Status of Indians in Uk!!


New Member
I have seen many indians working as a sweeper and salesmen or as a hawker in Uk and other countries of the world. they are working on petrol stations with pride and studying as well. Do you think that working as a D-grade professionals is good in other country or studying in india and working as a good professional is nice?
YEs this is absolutely true and I have noticed this since many times. Lots of my friends are working there and treated like servants and terrorists due to their asian color. It is better to live like a king in our own country than becoming a mere servant.
The status of indians in UK is not so good as they are treated as aliens by the local people. They are not so genuine types or so friendly with the Asians especially Indians as the problem of racism still persist there. Indian students have to work hard in order to survive in other country like that of UK as the economy of this country is quite high. It is better that students should work in their own country rather then becoming a servant in other country.
Well it is very common for students to migrate to the U.K or say to any foriegn country.They migrate because of many reasons,one major reason of this migration is the lifestyle the foriegn countries lead.Indians dont mind of doing any kind of job there since it is repected and are paid well whereas in India the pay level is zero and at the same time they are exploited very cruelly.
It has become quite common among the students today to migrate to U.K. for higher education. The cost of living is too high in these countries than in India and in order to sustain themselves and moreover every person is treated equally and are paid well no matter what and where they work but there is no dignity of work in India. However, today students do work in restaurants and cafes to sustain themselves. Whatever it many be it is always better to serve in our own country than to serve some other country.