The problem of eve teasing is growing faster in Delhi and other states as well. It is becoming very difficult for girls, ladies and teenagers to travel in buses metros and other on road as well. Where ever they go they have to confront the bad comments and indecent behavior of boys and especially people who are of middle aged. the atmosphere of bus stands, metro stations and other travel and colleges are becoming deteriorated day by day. Gilrs should take stand and must not get afraid of these eve teasers and tell them that they are not weak to tolerate the misbehavior of these guys. They should make such people realize by their gestures that they are no more a household lady or a girl who will bear the indecency in public and should slap, scream or ask for help from people who are nearby. Then only the problem can be solved.
Girls should take steps and rise against their fear to teach the lesson to such people who are the promoter of eve teasing. Eve teasing is becoming a common phenomenon these days every where but it happens a lot in Delhi. Girls should stand against such issues and let people know that they are not weak and face all the problem alone when time needs. they are soft and at the same time strong enough to handle these issues that too in public places.
Yes, until and unless girls show their bold side to such people that they are not weak and can still take action in public then these flirts or you can say eve teasers will learn lessons for a lifetime. It is very important to show them their place and their standards. Every girl should stand and take step forward to stop eve teasing. Usually girls feel hesitation in doing so, but they have to remove it completely from their hearts and mind then only they will be able to do something right for themselves.
Eve teasing menace is haunting Delhi's young women and girls. Unless they do something about it, i think this is going to go on. The girls will have to take a strong stand against this. They should be brave and retaliate to whatever situation is created. Only then can this situation be handled.
The problem of eve teasing is increasing day by day in delhi and other places of india. this is the main reason why girls cannot go out at night and feels insecure in metro, buses and trains. Government of delhi is not talking any action against this issue as they feel it can be handled by the girls themselves, but how far is it okay to ignore such issue?? Ultimately it is the girl who has to suffer.
Eve teasing is a matter of concern for us.Girls should be uptight with techniques of self defence which will help them to protect themselves from the eve teasers.Girls should be cautious while in a public place.She should make sure that she is in a group so that she is safe.Police should be ready and equipped to deal with such incidents.