south Indians are treated as aliens


New Member
Why south Indian people and humans who are dark in color tone are treated as aliens in the other parts of the Country ? especially London, America and Russia? Stop discrimination before it destroys the human race completely.. :mad:
Why south indian people and humans who are dark in color tone are treated as aliens in the otehr parts of the country ? especially London, America and Russia? Stop discrimination before it destroys the human race completely.. :mad:

i didnt know that london and america were parts of india. :D
she said outside of India ! answer because : they are not negro so the white cannot say they are savages and they are not Arabs so the white cannot treat them like dogs, the south Indian is the natural ruler saint of India the pinnacle of salvation its savior.The tyrant is scared and jealous of her beauty and his strength.Long live Adams bridge lakhdive and chagosia!!!
dumbass!!!!! she diddnt say outside india, show me where she said? after all my post was more of a joke rather than serioius.

lol.. I did say or didn't but I actually meant the same... When I mentioned that Indians who are treated as aliens in the other countries means the same overall..And I'd understand that you were just kidding.. :-) But pls don't make this thread a Joke :x
lols.. I did say or didn't but I actually meant the same... When I mentioned that Indians who are treated as aliens in teh other countries means the same overall..And I'd understand that you were just kidding.. :-)

I exactly knew what you meant, but apparently you missed one word and that changed the whole meaning. I was kidding, and look at that guy who jumped between us unnecessarily.
Discrimination at its best

South Indians are different from north Indians in color and ascent. In foreign while they are a bit tolerant to north Indians, the south Indians face insulting situations. Afterall everyone has a work so it would be better and wiser to treat human beings as the kind of person they are, according to their capabilities and not something so lowly.
is that so?

i am really astonished to hear about this issue. Is this really true?

Was it just a joke or a serious post, i should really say that if it is true than i really request those people, who think this way, to please change your view as India is known to welcome every person with a warmth and i really want my country to keep the same image in future as well.
if you said they are considered refugees/outsiders/interloper i would have understood the matter well.
Moreover, alien is a synonym to stranger or outsider, i hope the members are not thinking that the Europeans and Americans think that South India is a different planet where the skin tone is black :P

to add to the conflict-- if Indians are going to some other countries, they will be considered strangers, same way as many Indians don't even accept Mrs. Sonia Rajiv Gandhi to be Indian so far.
be practical guys and accept the fact. there is no land sweeter than our motherland. one cannot accept mother's lap in a foreign land.
It all depends on the culture. We Indians are cultured very long before Americans and English men were born. One thing we know and we believe is not to act like a parasite.
We never made any discrimination feeling anywhere in India. But those white chicken heads feels like they were kings being sitting on their own urine
One thing should be taken into notice. Even many Indians will also find foreigners as a new specimen in India. But the point to be understood that we felt them as guests, whereas their feeling lies much uncultured.
Oh yea! We are very cultured to them and that’s why we are glad to accept Mrs. Sonia Gandhi as ruling party chief.
The reputation and status of south indians are quite bad in UK as people over there consider them as a terrorist and they usually become the victim of racism in that place. Asians were treated as dogs by the Britishers once up on a time but this trend is still prevalent in some places of UK. The condition of south indians is very bad.