Many renowned jurists have attempted to give a precise definition of Law. Law, in the broadest and most complete sense means a set of regulations and rules and a set of prototype of deeds to which every individual of the society has to be conventional to. Another often quoted, although not widely believed, definition of Law is of that given by Austin according to which Law is the command of the ‘sovereign’. Sources of Indian law may be categorized into Legal and Historical sources in addition to Formal and Non-formal sources. Legal sources are those which are accepted as such by law itself. Historical sources are those sources missing formal recognition by law. The legal sources of law are commanding and are permissible by the law courts as of right. The historical sources of law are unauthoritative. They persuade comparatively comprehensive course of legal advancement. All rules of law have historical sources but not all of them have legal sources. Formal Sources of law are 1. Legislation 2. Precedents 3. Treaties Non-Formal Sources of law are 1. Customs 2. Equity