Sonal Kapoor: a young girl who left MBA and used Art to change lives of street girls

Discussion in 'Inspiring' started by Woman, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. Woman

    Woman New Member

    She is such a great inspiration for the youth and been a vivacious personality. Her journey had been full of various experiences, emotions, feelings, stories during which she has learnt many things, things she would never forget and things which have helped her to become a new and a mature person. She is Sonal Kapoor the youngest woman entrepreneur who runs a social enterprise namely; Protsahan for the down trodden young girls. Protsahan recently has completed its 5 years, but the origin of the same was not a cheesy thing for Sonal. In fact the idea to establish such a social enterprise brewed with a very saddening experience. Once, Sonal was shooting for a corporate movie when she came across with a pregnant women sitting with her six daughters and was expecting the seventh. Sonal approached one of her daughters with an apple in her hand. And the mother’s reply left her completely shocked when she said that her daughter would not be able to recognize the fruit as she has never eaten and seen such a thing before. The pregnant woman told Sonal that she was planning to send her daughters to a brothel so that they can at least bring back some money for the survival of the family. It was very disappointing as well as sad for Sonal to know; then and there she made up her mind that she would do something for her daughters and also for many other young girls like them whose lives are dwindling in despair.

    Sonal was 24 yrs old when she founded Protsahan in the Delhi Slum area in a one room set. It was very tough for her to manage her MBA studies and search for a job. But her determination was so strong that she gave her soul and heart to her school Protsahan and pursued her works as well. Protsahan has changed lives of many deprived and ignoble girls some of whom were being picked up direct from the streets and some come from much pathetic family conditions. Sonal has established a ‘5 pillars creative model’ in which she stresses upon rendering the knowledge of design, arts, digital stories, photography, technology and cinema. She believes that art has the power of healing that can heal up the inner wounds of those girls. Most of the girls have suffered physical abuses, violence and difficult conditions which have made them insecure and scared but Sonal thinks that art can raise their creativity as well as their self-esteem. Sonal feels great when she sees the smiling faces of the girls she looks back at their past lives but realizes that she is able to make their present and future better. She is determinedly working to change the lives of young girl and this is how she wants to pursue her life’s journey.

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