Solutions to tackle the current economic condition of India

Discussion in 'Economy & Infrastructure' started by youthens, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. youthens

    youthens New Member

    The present economic condition is not hidden from anyone of us. The value of rupees in drastically falling and the price of commodities are rising at a very fast pace, which is rising a question of sustenance to many people in our nation. This slowdown has becomes a major concern for everyone and a solution to tackle this slowdown of economic growth of India is important.

    The present state of the economy makes it necessary for the government to put in place a vigorous and implementable plan of action for its restoration. The economy has experienced a constant fall in the quarterly GDP growth since the beginning of 2011, frighteningly high levels of double deficits viz. Current Account Deficit (CAD) and fiscal deficit as well as disturbing instability in the inflow of foreign investments. Though inflationary pressure has ebbed in the last quarter of 2012, it still remains above the target level of Reserve Bank of India (RBI). This along with other worrying economic indicators has put the Indian economy in a challenging pathway in the short term. Budget 2013 provides a prospect to regain focus by sticking on to the path of fiscal consolidation and take suitable policy initiatives outlining the timely recovery of the Indian economy. Corroboration of fundamentals and boosting growth inducing investments is the primary consideration at this stage.

    Suggest solutions for tackling the economic crisis that Indian economy is going through today.


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