Soldier Poems

Discussion in 'Patriots and Patriotism' started by Nidhi, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. Nidhi

    Nidhi New Member

    Fighting to protect our heritage and culture is our task!
    Why do we care so much you may ask,
    For that you need to know the real story,
    And learn about our country's glory,
    The nation of bharat which is so vast,
    Also has a very glorious past,
    This country which has a beautiful nature,
    Also gave birth to vedic culture,
    While the whole world was asleep,
    Bharat had gained knowledge so deep,
    Today we can say with pride and courage,
    That our Sanskrit is world's oldest language,
    The decimal system was mathematician Aryabhatta's creation,
    The ayurveda the oldest form of medicine was another bharatiya invention,
    Bharat had Nalanda the world's oldest university,
    Where it taught subjects of diversity,
    Bharat already made discoveries in space,
    Before it was done by any other human race,
    Also those brave bhartiya women and men,
    Who fought to defend bharat every now and then,
    Prithviraj, Rana pratap,Shivaji,and Rani LaxmiBai,
    Who always for bharat were willing to die,
    So when we have such great nation and culture with us,
    Protecting and preserving it is our greatest duty thus,
    So whether you are Hindus,or Muslims,or Christians,
    You cant stop us from defending our nation from barbarains,
    And while doing so if you call us fanatics,
    We understand its simply one of your tactics,
    So together to preserve our heritage and culture we shall fight,
    Because doing so is our very birthright.
    - Unknown

    Soldier's Final Inspection in Heaven by the Lord!

    The Soldier stood and faced God,
    Which must always come to pass.
    He hoped his shoes were shining,
    Just as brightly as his brass.
    'Step forward now, Soldier,
    How shall I deal with you?
    Have you always turned the other cheek?
    To My Church have you been true?'
    The soldier squared his shoulders and said,
    'No, Lord, I guess I ain't.
    Because those of us who carry guns,
    Can't always be a saint.
    I've had to work most Sundays,
    And at times my talk was tough.
    And sometimes I've been violent,
    Because the world is awfully rough.
    But, I never took a penny,
    That wasn't mine to keep...
    Though I worked a lot of overtime,
    When the bills got just too steep.
    And I never passed a cry for help,
    Though at times I shook with fear..
    And sometimes, God, forgive me,
    I've wept unmanly tears.
    I know I don't deserve a place,
    Among the people here.
    They never wanted me around,
    Except to calm their fears
    If you've a place for me here, Lord,
    It needn't be so grand.
    I never expected or had too much,
    But if you don't, I'll understand.
    There was a silence all around the throne,
    Where the saints had often trod.
    As the Soldier waited quietly,
    For the judgment of his God.
    'Step forward now, you Soldier,
    You've borne your burdens well.
    Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,
    You've done your time in Hell.'
    - Unknown

    My Ambition

    I don’t want to be,
    A wealthy man,
    Nor I want to be,
    A working man.

    I want to be,
    A great soldier,
    Fighting on the front,
    with a gun on my shoulder,

    I want to die for,
    My great, beloved nation,
    And for my enemy,
    I shall have no compassion,

    I want to let the
    Chinese know
    That Indians can die,
    For their Motherland.

    -- Gen V.K. Singh as a Std VIII student, culled from his school magazine

    A Soldier!!

    There is discipline in A Soldier
    you can see it when he walks,
    There is honor in A Soldier
    you hear it when he talks.
    There is courage in A Soldier
    you can see it in his eyes,
    There is loyalty in A Soldier
    that he will not compromise.
    There is something in A Soldier
    that makes him stand apart,
    There is strength in A Soldier
    that beats from his heart.
    A Soldier isn't a title any man
    can be hired to do,
    A Soldier is the soul of that man
    buried deep inside of you.
    A Soldier's job isn't finished after
    an 8 hour day or a 40 hour week,
    A Soldier is always A Soldier
    even while he sleeps.
    A Soldier serves his country first
    and his life is left behind,
    A Soldier has to sacrifice what
    comes first in a civilian's mind.
    If you are civilian -
    I am saying this to you.....
    next time you see A Soldier
    remember what they do.
    A Soldier is the reason our land
    is 'Home of the free',
    A Soldier is the one that is brave
    protecting you and me.

    If I die in a war zone,
    Box me up & send me home,
    Put my medals on my chest,
    Tell my mom I did my best,
    Tell my dad not to bow,
    He won’t get tension from me now,
    Tell my brother to study perfectly,
    Keys of my bike will be his permanently,
    Tell my sis not to be upset,
    Her bro will not rise after this sunset,
    Tell my love not to cry..


    Do I wish my name be remembered,
    When I fall down in the battlefield?
    Do I wish a posthumous award?
    Or, a badge or trophy or a shield?

    No, my friend, as I go now for good,
    Don’t stop for me or slow down your march.
    Don’t waste your water to wet my lips.
    It no longer matters if they parch.

    I don’t wish my memory preserved.
    All I wish is, my countrymen do
    Spare a thought for the mother back home,
    Who, knowing her loss, will her fate rue.

    Unknown Soldier, the demand for a 'War Memorial'

    "I am the unknown soldier, forgotten and ignored
    When once the war is over and peace and quiet assured

    We fought for you and the country and now that we are dead
    We rest in quiet exclusion, 'cause nothing more is said
    Of how we did our duty, that you may sleep in peace
    When once the foe was vanquished, and the strife of war had ceased

    The country called upon us to do what needs to be done
    To oust the vicious enemy and ensure the war was won
    Our near and dear ones blessed us and sent us full of pride
    To defend the country's honour and some were new-wed brides

    We went and fought your battles, most of which were won
    Some of us never came back, all were mother's son
    Our bodies they do lie there, on hill and vale and plain
    Exposed to all the elements of snow and ice and rain

    So many were anxious, some still do wait in vain
    What can you do to lessen our loved one's grief and pain?
    Our last rites were not given, we died a soldier's death
    Our eldest sons kept waiting, their hopes could not be met

    We went and did our duty, we do not ask for much
    Only a place of honour, our loved one's heart to touch
    A place where they can think of happy days gone by
    To pray on the lonesome morrow and if need be stand and cry

    Although we have left earth's orbit and need rest in peace
    Our soul are not past caring, our pain will never cease
    Till you and the country's leaders create a haloed space
    For a fitting War Memorial, on valour and honour based

    ---Maj Gen Ian Cardozo, AVSM, SM

    "rights of a soldier"

    i am a soldier..
    who have no rights..
    just duties to perform..
    i am called in all sorts of emergency..
    but am looked down when i need thou the most..

    i am the one who have no family ..
    coz i have donned the uniform..
    i left them for you to take care..
    but am i denied the basic right of living??

    i have daughters and son..
    have parents and wife..
    friends and relatives..
    but no basic right..

    how can i be sent in the warzone..
    when i cant fire a gun??
    am i just being made a guinea pig..
    or are the efforts worth while..

    just let the human rights folks bark..
    let them shout ..
    for they cant see my wife crying in grief..
    they cant see my children all but lost..
    they cant see the agony in the eyes of my parents..
    all they see is the grief of the enemy..
    are not they the enemy within..

    if i shall make them pay or
    lay myself for my nation
    only time will tell..

    till then i am a soldier.. denied of basic rights..!!!!

    ----Shruti Singh

    Ballad of Indian Army

    Never a risk too great,
    Nor ever a price too high,
    Our Army's edifice till date,
    Resolved to Do or Die!

    Towering like the Himalayas,
    Pure like its streams,
    Forging ahead without fears
    In realising India's dreams.

    By land, air or sea,
    It moves from front to front.
    Through rain or snow it always is
    The first to bear the brunt!

    Come day or night, riot or strike
    Its lot is always called in,
    Come floods, draught, quake or strife
    A forerunner it always remains.

    Within and abroad its been our pride,
    From Kargil to Maldives across.
    From Korea's ice to Congo's tide,
    It abounds in experience gross.

    A spearhead of all offensives,
    Through blood, sweat and toil,
    Our foes get on the defensive,
    With these guardians of our soil!

    In borders, 'flash points' or interiors,
    Are the saviours of our nation.
    These sentinels of our frontiers,
    Have won international admiration!

    Forever ahead, first to lead,
    Success it always yields.
    This unique breed, a secular creed,
    Triumphs in every field.

    It lives with pride, Its soul being freed,
    From pangs of guilt or sorrow,
    Its sacrifices today will pave the way,
    For lasting peace tomorrow!

    --Col.Anil Shorey

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