Should India go for nuclear tests in near future?

Discussion in 'Defence & Security' started by ravi_kumar, Dec 5, 2009.

  1. ravi_kumar

    ravi_kumar New Member

    After the controversial disclosure by senior DRDO scientist Dr. K. Santhanam that Pokhran- II fails to meet the desired yield; there has been a lot of argument and counter argument about should India go for further nuclear testing or not.

    So kindly share your views on this thread. Please try to stay on topic.

  2. Sunirmal Ray

    Sunirmal Ray New Member

    NO. India should not go for ant further nuclear tests.When 24% still live under Below Poverty Line ( BPL ) , Our growth rate is comparatively lower than Asian Giant China and Many Asian Countries.It would be fancy to go for any arms race. When India is advocating nuclear free world , It would give a wrong message to the world.

    Our priority should be pollution control , Population control , combating terrorism and Check Poverty
  3. poroj_bhuyan

    poroj_bhuyan New Member

    Definitely India should go in for more test not to show its ability and brashness but to develop the tech it has to make its defence more formidable for the country's security.
  4. Kr1shn4

    Kr1shn4 New Member

    Yes! it should

    India should continue with the development of its nuclear power despite the stated failure, thats because only, its only by testing that we'll come to know about the short comings we need to over come in the future....
  5. Peace-JAIHIND

    Peace-JAIHIND New Member

    Agree with you.
    India need a cool head that corresponds with the actual needs.
  6. sharan

    sharan New Member

    Nuclear test is not just an Ordinary test. it is a way of showing power,technology and dominance.Did the world hear the cry of Indians when we were attacked by the terrorists (MUMBAI TERROR ATTACK),what happened in kargil.if India wants to protect its citizens from terror and racism (Australia) only a powerful and dominant India can do thing you have to remember the country which advocates nuclear free world has the highest number of nuclear bombs in the world
  7. adrenalin

    adrenalin New Member

    Our economic might will suffer if we cannot protect our strategic interests/OR threat from across the border. India should definitely go for more tests, but at the proper time.
  8. pankajIndian

    pankajIndian New Member

    India has the right to go for nuclear test for national interest. Our country is never interested to attack any country. But at the same time we should be equipped enough to retaliate if somebody attacks us.
  9. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    well india should definitely go for another nuclear test in the near future. though india is still a developing nation and people are below poverty line here, we cannot stand back in technology and science as they are the key for our success in future. even nation like pakistan is conducting nuclear tests why should indians stand back?
  10. hitesh2108

    hitesh2108 New Member

    Going for nuclear test is not the answer, India has to modernize its army and learn to counter guerilla warfare like the Israel successfully does.

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