Shedding Light on the Social Problems of Urban Cities

Discussion in 'Cities in India' started by Greatest, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Greatest

    Greatest New Member

    Following are the social problems that the urban cities do face in the present time :

    1.Problem of Privacy : Lack of privacy and intimacy are the natural outcomes of the city life. Due to the indirect and impersonal relationships, closeness and intimacy will not develop. Life becomes mechanical, competitive and charmless.

    2.Problem of Individuation : The urban community encourages individualism. Individuals are moved by their own aspirations, ambitions, aims and interest. They have become more and more career-conscious. They are invariably caught in the competitive race for a successful career. The competitiveness of the city, places one over against every one else. The materialistic outlook that a city-dweller develops may often result in what is known as the "loss of community". An individual may be "alienated" from his own community, his own people and his own profession.

    3.Problem of Vices : The city is a centre of economic insecurity, mental illness, gambling, prostitution, drunkenness, crimes, juvenile deliquency, alcoholism, environment pollution and such other vices. There is a poverty in the midst of plenty. They city life endangers the physical, mental and moral health of the people.

    4.Adverse Effects on the Rural Areas : Cities often provide a wrong model to the villages. Villagers who are in touch with the cities get influenced by the hedonism, individuation, self-centredness and such other ugly aspects of the city life. The tendency of the rural people to move towards the cities often leads to rural depopulation. Western countries are faced with such a situation. Further, the rivers that pass through the industrial cities often spread diseases in the rural areas also for the river water contains lot of industrial wastes and effluents which are poisonous in nature.

    5.Heavy Pressure on Municipal Administration : Most of the Indian towns and cities are heavily crowded. Hence, it has become a big challenge for the city municipal administrations to provided the basic civic facilities to all the urban residents. City budget is not sufficient to meet with such requirements. Thereby, most of the cities are known for ill-administration.

    6.Encouragement to Beggary and Crimes : It is a known fact that the city atmosphere is conducive for begging. We find a large number of beggars in cities rather than in village areas. It is easier for the lazy people, unemployed persons, work-evaders and public cheats to eke out their livelihood by means of begging. City environment also tempts social parasites and public cheats to plan what is known as "organized beggary.

    It is clear from the above points that Indian cities are suffering from various social problems. Though cities have their own positive aspects that have their ugly side also. Life is not a bed of roses in a city. It poses problems, challenge, breeds diseases, encourages ill-will in spite of all the attraction that it has at its command.

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