Save The Internet — Net Neutrality in India

Discussion in 'Technology' started by bharat, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. bharat

    bharat New Member

    Net Neutrality has become a hot topic of discussion all over and Airtel has created uproar in the Web world with its new zero marketing program, which lets the users to access only those apps developed by app developers who participates in the program free of cost. This is major thing to worry for all Internet users as it takes away the freedom to access websites and apps freely. Implementation of such a program will grant the ISPs (Internet Service Provider) to take total control over which sites and apps users can access. But, before proceeding further, it is important to known the concept of Net Neutrality.

    What is Net Neutrality?

    Net Neutrality means that every internet user is allowed to access any website or app freely and without any restriction. In this case, you pay the ISP once for using internet and you are free to access any website or app on the internet at the same speed. For instance, the amount you pay for a particular amount of data on your phone, you are free to spend it on any site or app you want. This is net neutrality.

    Why is it important?

    If TARI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) becomes successful in removing net neutrality from India, it will become a must for you to abide by the rules that will be set by the ISPs. They will control the bandwidth and you will be able to access different websites at different speed. In addition, they will even charge extra for the non-participating websites and apps. They can even charge extra for accessing WatsApp and other VoIP apps. This will have an impact on all internet users, irrespective of using it through PC or mobile. Net Neutrality is essential to prevent the ISPs from controlling your access to different websites and apps. Even the big and small online business will be affected if net neutrality is removed.


    In my opinion, net neutrality is essential for all internet users. Your opinion Matters ,Do share your opinion with us all Proud Indians.
    Young likes this.

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