Save our Environment, Save the LIFE of OUR children

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by Sunirmal Ray, Jun 20, 2009.

  1. Sunirmal Ray

    Sunirmal Ray New Member

    If one billion Indians could plant trees by one each in each month , by road side , River side , in schools , colleges , side of paddy fields in respective locality , we can save us from summer heat.Rainy Season is the best time for Tree Plantation

    This is not a Herculean Task neither much expensive. only self motivation of few can inspire others to come forward.Let's not depend on Government to do everything. Modalities can be chalked out localy by a group Few.

    Let us take only one point program and see the Result

  2. puneetashu

    puneetashu New Member

    its my request to all indians

    • kindly give water to your near by plants.
    • minimize use of plastic.
    • sow one plant with commitment to care.
    • take action for misuse of ground water.

    jai hind
  3. jyoti rawat

    jyoti rawat New Member


    thanx to remind me i can't do much but we had some plants at home. and nobody at our home take care of them. i can do more but i will give water that plant.
    and i will do this from today.

    jai hind
  4. indianbeep

    indianbeep New Member

    Conserve energy today to save our environment for tomorrow ... the future for our children and grandchildren will not be bright. ... is a concern about the loss of biodiversity, which directly affects our way of life. ...
  5. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    Stop deforestation

    Environment is changing and this change does not have always positive effect on the humanity. The environment is the very essence of life and the human beings are constantly trying to pollute it. The Global warming, Ozone depletion, green house effects are the root cause of poor condition of Environment. The man made pollution like throwing the wastage at the river or other water bodies, deforestation, soil erosion due to excessive use of the fertilizers these are the reasons when the environment gets polluted. Some preventive measures are adopted to overcome this problem
  6. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    The lives of our children and our future are in our hands. Environment is being degraded day by day by our various activities such as pollution and green house effect, eventually leading to global warming. By planting trees and plants we can reduce the adverse climatic conditions and natures fury. It should be a collective effort as we all need to act wise to produce positive effect.
  7. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    the lives of our children and next generation in our hands. the environment is being degraded day by day and this would culminate into hazards which would yield in future but not today or tomorrow. so we should take this into account and try to create a more greener and better future. all it needs is a good motivation because everyone knows what to do.

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