Role of Teachers in Nation Building

Discussion in 'Culture' started by Divyasharma, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. Divyasharma

    Divyasharma New Member

    What is the true definition of teacher ? Is he simply a person whose occupation is teaching or he who guides, inspires the life of a pupil? Both the question and answer are difficult. But India has her own answer and from time immemorial, Hindu civilization has been considering teacher as the true representative of the Almighty. The ancient Vedic Sloka states with conviction - Guru Devo Maheshwaraha, Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu, Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha, Guru Saakshat Para Brahma,” This means that Guru (teacher) is in truth the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and is responsible for creating, sustaining knowledge and destroying the saga of ignorance. What should be the ideal form a teacher then? If you want to find a role model or an ideal teacher whose moral excellence, sagacity motivates students for more than millenniums; you have to concentrate on Great Chanakya.

    Acharya Chanakya was most instrumental in usurping the Nanda dynasty and establishing the widely acclaimed Maurya Empire. Besides he did form “ArtahShastra” – a treatise depicting the ideal form of welfare economics, statecraft, political science, sociology and the King above all. The efficacy and fame of the treatise is not limited within the sphere of India only but has motivated the West to a large extent too. all these indicate that the role of a teacher doesn’t end within the classroom but in building up a humane, vigorous nation and society at large.But this is not possible for everyone to achieve.

    These days any individual can be a teacher provided that he/she satisfied the necessary conditions as per the government rules. But this can’t sole the problem. The significance of a teacher in the role of an architect of the nation demands that only the best and most sagacious, intelligent, proficient members of the society should be enabled to qualify for this noble vocation.

    Even if people, these days, consider teaching as a vocation simply, a student can’t develop both intellectually and morally if he/she gets the worst guidance thanks to the presence of worst teacher. An individual is the smallest unit of society.

  2. Travelindia

    Travelindia New Member

    Teachers are the source of knowledge and skill. In Indian culture, the position of a GURU is equivalent to god. If we look back at the period of Ramayana and Mahabharata, the students were always introduced by their teachers name, and then by their parents. Earlier imparting education was considered as most pious and noble profession, but over the period, this system too has got influenced by commercialization and now teaching is no longer a profession of dedication and devotion towards building better people and country; it is all about money and status.
  3. Madhura Dande

    Madhura Dande New Member

    good initiative Divya. i totally agree with u that teachers are the building pillars of the nation. so they should be highly qualified not only in academics but also in moral and ethical values.
    today teacher is just like any other profession, as source of earning, neglecting the values of teacher, a guru.
    WITH THE POWER COMES THE RESPONSIBILITIES. this is so true about teacher. they have maximum power to make change, so there comes the responsibility to guide the children the right way.
  4. techguru

    techguru New Member

    Nobody wants their child to be a Teacher

    Teachers are nation builders as the future of the country or the children and their formation is in their hands. This is also true that because of commercialization Teacher has lost its due respect with time. This downfall is because these days teachers are teachers not by choice but by chance. People who couldn't do anything else in life land up in teaching without having the passion for it and thus do injustice with children as well the country.Their life's frustrations would be reflected in their work.
    Nobody wants their child to be a teacher..
  5. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    teachers are the ones who carve the young minds for their future. how a child thinks and remembers, his knowledge, his actions all depends on how a teacher nourishes him throughout. since children and youngsters are the ones who play role in nation building in future, teachers play very crucial role in mending childrens future and nations future as well.
  6. R2India

    R2India New Member

    teachers are the one who mould the children for their future and their future is the future of india. so care must be taken by the teachers that they mold the children with utmost care as they are very fragile at early stage. teachers should help them grow moral and ethical values which are very important in ones life and does influence a nation in a distant way.
  7. National

    National New Member

    teachers stay in contact with children while they are in a tender age and yet to learn things. and teachers are the ones who teach children and impart knowledge in them. so a child would also develop moral values from his or her tutor while in the learning stage.. so the outcome of a child almost completely depends on a teacher
  8. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Teachers are the pillar and makers of the society. Whatever teaching they give their students they follow them. Teachers are considered as the first guide and friend of any individual. They provide information and incited values among students no matter patriotic or cultural. Teachers play an important role in making the society and teach a lot about the nation and how they can work towards their country.
  9. Economist

    Economist New Member

    Teachers job is to train the students into good human beings and civilized citizens of the nation. Teachers play an important role in nation building as nation runs with the young minds and they are the creator of the nation. teachers incited the moral and national values in the children that remains with them for the lifetime.Schools are the place where children learn the ABCD of their life and teachers are considered as the builder of the nations. So there is no denying the fact that teachers play an important role in nation building.
  10. sweetangel

    sweetangel New Member

    Teachers play a significant role in nation building as children learn lot many lessons and things at school. They spend most of their crucial time at school and with teachers so what ever they learn from them they follow that thing. Teacher should inspire children to do innovative things and teach them the basics of life and also motivate them to become a good human being. These days I do not think teachers are so much involved with the children as they consider coming to school as their duty and wait for the bell to ring and go back home as soon as possible.
  11. culture

    culture New Member

    Teachers play a pivotal role in nation building because the young children are the future of India. The way a teacher nurtures them with knowledge and moral values is only responsible for how children would grow out to be young and intellectual minds. A teachers job is always noble and responsible task to perform.
  12. bharat

    bharat New Member

    Teachers play a remarkable part in building the nation. They are the ones who molds the children and shapes them into becoming good citizens of the society. It is the duty of every teacher to impart knowledge, educate the children morally as well as academically and provide constructive knowledge that will help the children to become better and responsible citizens of the nation.
  13. traveller

    traveller New Member

    The role of teacher is quite significant in Nation building. They are the ones who shape the future generation and help in making a better and developed nation. Teachers are the ones who impart education and make better citizens. It is not merely an occupation to earn money but the job of a teacher comes with many responsibilities, especially of producing better citizens for the development of the nation.

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