Habits play a very vital role in a person’s life because it is the habits that shape up a personality of a person. The kind of habits one possesses the kind of attitude and behavior one will present in front of others. Habits are basically the actions that we repeatedly do usually in our life and those actions become our habits (a constant pattern of perceiving and doing the things). In fact in our Indian culture, habits have always been given too much of importance and it has bestowed many good habits that everyone should inculcate in their lives. Good habits will reap you goodness and positivity while the bad ones will reciprocate the negative impact. For instance habit of going to bed early, habit of speaking truth, following honesty, habit of helping others and so on. The youth should be aware and considerate towards their habit patterns because their habits of perceiving, thinking and doing the things will determine their future for them. If they are tend to involve in good habits in their life then, half of the stress and work pressure would be minimized. Here parents and family also play significant role in building up a good habit pattern in the children right from an early stage. When the child is young he/she can imbibe any habit very easily and that is the righteous time when the parents can introduce the child with good habits and can help the child to understand what is beneficial for him and his life. The Youth is the future of the nation and thus they should be habitual of thinking positive and wise, using their creativity, following mannerism, respecting others, helping and motivating and other good things that make their personalities impressive and strong.