Rise of New Volunteers

Discussion in 'India' started by Greatest, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. Greatest

    Greatest New Member

    The image of a Volunteer has been very clear in our minds and that is also long established. A volunteer is a person that acts and contributes to the society and its people selflessly, with care and compassionate feelings. He is the one who puts in his physical and mental caliber by joining the hands with nonprofit organizations for the betterment of the society and feels grateful if his potential brings a change in the lives of the people. But in the recent times this image has been changed, whereas it was purely a voluntary act but now in today's times it has become more of a purposeful affair.

    In the recent times we have been noticing a lot of professionalism and business buzz behind the intentions of volunteering. On the one hand we see NGOs seeking and inviting a huge number of volunteers to join their cause and to gain the support in order to expand their arena and on the other hand we see the youngsters getting overwhelmed to volunteer with much intended and preconceived notions. Volunteering for big and bigger organizations bestows them professional experience that is separately highlighted in their CV.

    Thus the scenario of volunteering is no longer the same as it used to be. Earlier it was much of a direct work done under/for the communities in which selflessness and contributory feelings were on the higher notes but today volunteering has become one of a part of strategy of the NGOs that focuses upon on the skills, Infrastructure expansion, fund-raisings and increasing social contacts. Volunteering has now become much easier and localized due to the technological advancement, social media has made it very simple for the youngsters to volunteer by liking and clicking on the links of the given NGOs. But volunteering should always be an act that is done without any profit making purpose. Purposeless volunteering only leads to real improvement in the society and known as Selfless Service.

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