Restructuring Of Political Values after Independence

Discussion in 'History & Culture' started by Greatest, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Greatest

    Greatest New Member

    Though the Britishers left India, the Western model of democratic system introduced by them has come to stay in India. Monarchic form of government which existed in India for centuries came to an end. Then existing provincial states numbering more than 500, ultimately merged into the Indian State. Common constitutional, legislative and judicial system came to be practised. Feelings and sentiments of Nationalism became stronger.

    Acceptance of this new political system brought about structural changes in the social system also. For example, the feudal system, and the Zamindari system came to an end. Practice of untouchability became illegal and unconstitutional. Social institutions such as marriage, family, caste, property, professions, etc. had to undergone major changes for the simple fact that the modern law provides for equality n all the major fields of social life. These changes provided a new scope for the middle class which became active in almost all the areas of social life.

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