Radio Pakistan targets Hindu-Sikh unity

Discussion in 'World' started by Jay-singh1, Sep 29, 2008.

  1. Jay-singh1

    Jay-singh1 New Member

    Radio Pakistan in its latest bulletin of Punjabi Darbar programme has tried to create divisions among Hindus and Sikhs and affect the fraternal relations shared by them in Punjab.

    Through the propaganda based Punjabi Durbar programme, Radio Pakistan has stated that Sikhs are a separate community and they share no historical relation with Hinduism.

    But the broadcasters forgot to recount that Hindu and Sikh communities have a shared history of bravery, mutual respect and cultural celebrations between them for centuries. Besides, Sikhism has strong historical ties to Hinduism.

    When members of the Hindu and Sikh communities in Ferozepur were asked about their reaction to what Pakistan Radio was propagating, the said Radio Pakistan cannot change our feelings and reality being lived by us together.

    Jagjeet Singh, another villager, said: "Our village is 180 years old. In this village Hindus Sikhs, are living together since that time. We actively participate in each other's festivals and marriage ceremonies. Pakistan is trying to divide us for it own interests."

    Hardeep Singh, a resident of Bhagu Village, said: "Pakistan is stating in its programmes that Hindus and Sikhs are fighting and killing each other. But the reality is just opposite: all of us, Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs are living together without any problem. We should save ourselves from falling in the trap of Pakistan."

    Kuldeep, another villager, said "In our village, Hindu and Sikh families live together and share one locality. Hindus are more in number than Sikhs. We all live together. We never care what religion we belong to. We are having cordial relations and we take part in our sorrows and happiness.


  2. hitesh2108

    hitesh2108 New Member

    Pakistan is known for backstabbing. We should act like the jews and put them and their bloody media at bay.
  3. pradiprg

    pradiprg New Member

    What else can we expect from pakistani press or radio or politicians. Their existance is based on hatred of India. what else can they do ?
  4. Trendster

    Trendster New Member

    They are (not all but many) paid to strengthen the brainwashed beliefs injected by influential people over passive majority. The only way is to be good/clean on they do in the yes of world.
  5. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    well, airing negative views cannot distort the relations we hold between two groups of indian origin. hindus and sikhs are one and they share a good bonding. sikhism is derived from hinduism and the cultural and moral values are very much the same. we should not mind such negative statements which are told just for their own mean purposes.
  6. Trendster

    Trendster New Member

    Old habit of Pakistani media (in general). Such news should not be given importance...this is the only way to tackle such indirect "attacks."
  7. R2India

    R2India New Member

    we should not give such issues any importance. pakistan is on path to disrupt peace in our community but we should not give it any importance. we indians are all one and together a family. no nations comments should affect our unity, such should be our unity. government officials foreign and external affairs minister should give strong replies to such issues.

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