Problems of youth in India

Discussion in 'India' started by youthens, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. youthens

    youthens New Member

    India is a developing nation and the youth constitutes almost half of the population of the nation. The youth of our nation are facing several problems socially, economical as well as in terms of education. Moreover, with modernization and globalization, the major problem that the youth of India are facing is the problem of sustainability. With the growing completion in every field, it has become really difficult to sustain and this is leading to several other problems and issues. Apart from these, there are other problems, which are becoming a hurdle for them in the path of success. What according to you are the problems faced by the youth in India?

  2. bharatiyam

    bharatiyam New Member

    Agreed,the flames of survival has reached its heights. the youth is in constant race for sustenance and the one who fails to compete in the race is bullied and thrown out into seclusion.Survival becomes difficult for him.this is an age of perfection. competition for survival demands multitalented youth that can compete under any circumstances and in any task. those who have the vigor and the power, compete and win, they are blessed with a bright life. but what about the ones who cannot compete, who cannot adjust and maintain their position in the race? society bullies and chides them.They are doomed with a "common life" looked down upon by the others who win the race.
    In this race of life, there re many who refute to unlawful means to meet their ends of survival. no survival does not solely mean food clothing and housing. with modernization the definition of survival has somewhat changed. in the modern techno-savvy ways of life,there is not a single man who does not want to lead an extravagant life. The youngsters are often seeing resorting to anti social activities like gambling, smuggling,robbery and other crimes to earn and maintain the adorable lifestyle.

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