Pro China Indian Politicians in India

Discussion in 'Politics & Society' started by pagal-guy, May 20, 2010.


Can A minister criticize his own government?

  1. Yes

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  2. No

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  3. Can't Say

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  1. pagal-guy

    pagal-guy New Member

    The recent episode of Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh, has once again highlighted the issue that a politician can criticize his own government or not.

    Before commenting on this issue, the background of the incident should be thoroughly studied.

    Interest of the government can never be above the interest of the country. If a politician criticizes his own government for the nation’s interest, there is nothing wrong in it. Though a political party can take disciplinary action against such politicians, he will always get more respect from the public.Allegiance to public rather than a political party is more important.

    In some previous incidents also some politicians expressed their views against the government. But most of them were individual in nature.Though the political parties took some disciplinary actions also there is nothing to say.

    But in the case of Jairam Ramesh, he said nothing for his individual interest. He said it for the sake of our country.

    It’s a fact that the home ministry of Indian is not in a strong position. It’s always busy in condemning and deploring some incidents. As if our home ministry has forgot to act. The home ministry must have to realize that our hostile neighbors don’t have the similar attitude. So our home ministry should be ready to act with an adequate policy.

    Proud Indians please post your Comments

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