Power crash in india

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by Abhijit Padihari, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Abhijit Padihari

    Abhijit Padihari New Member

    On 30 and 31st July 2012, India faced the largest power outage in the history. It blackout affected about half of India’s population / 9% of the world population, which spread across 22 states in India. 32 gig watts of generating capacity were taken offline due to this outage; about300 million people had no electricity at all for at least 8 hours.
    The busiest airports and railways in the northern region were completely shut down. Traffic signals were non-operational which caused chaos in the minds of people. Major hospitals across the states, faced interruptions in health services, most of them relied on back-up generators. Water treatment plans were totally off due to which millions were unable to draw water by the help of electric pumps. Over 200 miners were trapped underground due to lift failure. More than 300 intercity trains were called off. Delhi, Kolkata’s metro were shut down. Half of India was completely paralyzed.

  2. Abhijit Padihari

    Abhijit Padihari New Member

    India have to bring out new hydro-power project with its resorces available as there are very specific project in northern part which are very hard to be controlled during the summers when the consumerism increases rapidly and supply is limited.
  3. Bharatiya

    Bharatiya New Member

    I do not think that only hydro projects could suffice this problem. We need energy sources like Nuclear energy which can give high power. Although there are safety concerns but i guess we could work on that to solve it. Merely relying on thermal and hydro power plants can be really dangerous in terms of power security. We need more efficient power generation. I guess you would agree with me?
  4. Abhijit Padihari

    Abhijit Padihari New Member

    am with you about the need have nuclear projects but for that the nuclear resources and a proper project space is required. It also brings huge responsiblity as nuclear problems are critically most difficult to be overcomed.
  5. Bharatiya

    Bharatiya New Member

    I think India does have such brilliant minds who can work on securing the nuclear facility and India has ample space to construct nuclear facilities. But giving it a right start with right people is important. If this project is started with corrupt people who would eat away half of the money and invest the other half in procuring the third grade material of construct and utilities, then India can never have a powerful nuclear facility.

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