Possibility of India-America-Israel alliance

Discussion in 'Foreign Relations' started by pagal-guy, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. pagal-guy

    pagal-guy New Member

    India America Israel Alliance

    In the last decade or so terrorism has evolved as the major Issue in any part of the globe. The Islamic radicals , Al-Queda or “JIHADIS” are people who transform people into terrorists in the name of god. They are determined to make Islam the most feared religion and convert the globe into a world full of Islamic radicals. They provide military training to young boys and slowly transform them into terrorists.

    Israel is a country which has been facing constant attacks ever since its birth in 1948. Every time they were attacked the infiltrators were pushed back but they never stopped trying. Finally they started planning terrorist attacks for the extinction of Israel. They went to the extent of suicide bombing to attain glory. India is another country that was born with an enemy in its north western border claiming Kashmir as a part of Pakistan. India too has faced terrorist attacks every now and then from Pakistan and other Islamic radical groups. But every time India responded with pride and subdued such attacks. India is a Secular country and Respect all religions but Pakistanis and a few terrorists organizations supported by Pakistan always try to show it as an Anti- Muslm country.

    America was always a world superpower and had the largest economy which led to the growth of their enemies. It had its allies with Pakistan but after 9/11 situations have changed drastically. Countries which were against each other in a cold war are now close allies. The Islamic radicals and terrorists have created havoc in almost every part of the world but mainly in these three countries - India , America , Israel. Every time they attack any of these countries are attacked the radicals have a motive of putting these countries into extinction from the globe.

    India, America and Israel have all emerged as world powers and have it in them to counter any attack in the world. If these countries could be together they could be a force to reckon with. Probably a alliance between India, America and Israel could be the only hope of humanity in a world that is under constant threats from Islamic radicals and terrorists.

  2. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    yes i think this combination of alliance would work out well against the terror groups. america and israel are good at arms and weapons, moreover america has good intelligence services and india could serve as a good base to deploy the anti terror camps and start a campaign. i think these nations should join hands together and work collectively on one issue.
  3. Leader

    Leader New Member

    India is facing largest terror threat from Pakistan and Pakistan is getting largest military arms aid from america. Israel is politically not stable and infected with terrorism threat since 1948. since these three countries forms good good combination because of their military and economic infrastructure but they do have conflict of interest so one must not ignore this fact.
  4. culture

    culture New Member

    But there could be a glitch in this alliance as the United States does may not stand on its words. US is works secretly on various alliances and we cannot trust such a nation completely to our alliance. Instead, India could also build a India-Russia-Israel alliance. What is your say on this?
  5. Student

    Student New Member

    I totally agree with you. But we can't just go with russia because if we do that US might cut down the relationship we share with it and with it, all the priorities and deals we enjoy with US may also have an end. Therefore India should firstly become independent in defence and economy and then start alliances.

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