Patriotic Poems in English

Discussion in 'Patriots and Patriotism' started by Rekha, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Rekha

    Rekha New Member

    My collection of patriotic poems about india in english for proud indians who love india and looking for words to express their Patriotic feelings , words to salute The patriots or emotions about mother india.

    O Mother India!

    “O My Nation My India”
    Wants to worship you
    Wants to be stuck on you
    Everything which is mine
    Wants to sacrifice on you
    Way of life it amid you
    Name of your, strength me
    Fame of your, arrogant me
    How I am gratitude to god
    That he gave birth on the
    Planet of your “O India”
    I always feel to be proud
    That you give me a peaceful
    Place in your heart “O India”

    Always salute you!
    Always Love You!
    Always salute you!
    -Vande Matram

    Salute India , Salute Armed Forces

    Let’s honor our Armed Forces,
    The men and women who serve,
    Whose dedication to our country
    Does not falter, halt or swerve.

    Let’s respect them for their courage;
    They’re ready to do what’s right
    To keep India safe,
    So we can sleep better at night.

    Let’s support and defend Indian soldiers,
    Whose hardships are brutal and cruel,
    Whose discipline we can’t imagine,
    Who follow each order and rule.

    Here’s to those who choose to be warriors
    And their helpers good and true;
    They’re fighting for Indian values;
    They’re fighting for me and you

    Jai Hind !

    A Proud Indian's Wish

    I'd like to be the sort of man the flag could boast about;
    I'd like to be the sort of man it cannot live without;
    I'd like to be the type of man That really is Indian:

    The head-erect and shoulders-square,
    Clean-minded fellow, just and fair,
    That all men picture when they see
    The glorious banner of the free.

    I'd like to be the sort of man the flag now typifies,
    The kind of man we really want the flag to symbolize;
    The loyal brother to a trust,
    The big, unselfish soul and just,
    The friend of every Indian oppressed,
    The strong support of all that's best,
    The sturdy chap the banner's meant,
    Where'er it flies, to represent.

    I'd like to be the sort of man the flag's supposed to mean,
    The man that all in fancy see wherever it is seen,
    The chap that's ready for a fight
    Whenever there's a wrong to right,
    The friend in every time of need,
    The doer of the daring deed,
    The clean and generous handed man
    That is a real Indian.
    Proud to be Indian

    My Dear Indians

    Today my dear fellowmen,
    You will learn about some men,
    Who are for their country,
    More than just someone who brought them victory,
    For when their nation was in danger,
    their blood boiled in anger,
    Without caring for their personal life,
    They left their parents,children,and wife,
    And off they went like real heroes,
    To make the enemy feel like zeroes,
    These men had muscles like Iron,
    And had the hearts of a Lion,
    When the enemy faced these men,
    The enemy didn't know where to go then,
    For one of these men,
    Was enough for the enemies then,
    The enemy then ran away like rats,
    Like rats run after seeing the cats,
    Thus these men saved the country,
    Giving it a proud victory,
    The heroes of this story,
    Work for the world's best military,
    These are the great and ever victorious,
    Our Proud Indian Armed Forces!

  2. Rekha

    Rekha New Member

    Patriotic Poem in English

    When all the world weeps in sorrow
    India can wake up to a new tomorrow

    She can rise steadily from the dumps
    Travelling to prosperity without any bumps.

    Her people can struggle to attain their goals
    All of them excelling in their specific roles

    Then from a period of almost certain doom
    Her economy will attain an everlasting bloom

    Unemployment and poverty will be forgotten terms
    Success will be familiar with her companies and firms

    Mechanisation and industry will scale new peaks
    Thus India shall begin her winning streaks

    Her army will be the most feared force
    Although it shall pursue a peaceful course

    The conceited nations she shall humble
    From their mighty pedestals they shall tumble

    Let us drink to that joyous day
    When Indian policies the world shall obey

    Her designs for humanity will then unfold
    Even mud will shine as bright as gold

    The earth shall represent a beautiful dream
    Every human face will have a beam

    No tears will ever flow down again
    For gone will be human suffering and pain,

    If such a revolution ever takes place
    We shall become an admired race.

    - Vivek Pereira
    (An Excerpt from his book, Rose Gardens and Minefields)


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