Pakistan Occupied Kashmir Issue

Discussion in 'Foreign Relations' started by Rashi, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Rashi

    Rashi New Member

    I want to highlight the historical fact that a part of our motherland is occupied by Pakistan as Pakistan occupied Kashmir from 1947. Our fellow brothers and sisters at J&K are separated by their families and relatives and undergoing hardships due to extremist's tyranny. Thousands of Kashmiri Pandits are suffering, being compelled to leave their homes and living in camps.

    As proud Indians, there has been less than expected voice on this issue and Indians have not demonstrated their collective will to annex POK to India although the proposal has been passed in our parliament unanimously. The Government of India is silent on the issue and will not be active unless their is a mass movement to pressurize the Government, as was done recently by Anna Hazare movement. I think that time has come when the voice of India should be channelized through all medias and public awareness campaigns undertaken, which will pave the way for reunification of J&K with POK and bring lifetime dream of patriotic Indians to reality. In this context, I may also add that whether it is Bangladesh or Pakistan if any of these countries realize the blunders committed by separation are cordially welcome to merge with India, their real homeland of centuries, where they can live in harmony with their fellow citizens. Now the World has become a global village. International boundaries have become non-functional and its time to rectify the historical errors in our judgement to make India home for every ex-Indians also.

    Opinions on this issue are welcome.

  2. IamanINDIAN

    IamanINDIAN New Member

    Yes, unless the issue comes out in media as an issue of grave concern, the government will not act. Most of us do not even know that PoK exists! Creating awareness and getting the right persons to take action is the need of hour. We cannot let any foreign countries to encroach upon our mother land and claim it as theirs.
  3. traveller

    traveller New Member

    The issue of Kashmir is a long persistent issue and is a matter of serious concern which needs to be resolved very soon. In my view, Government should take some step before some major thing happens. Kashmir is our land and we cannot give it away to anyone. We want our land back that has been illegally occupied by Pakistan and not only that there are even intruders from China trying to occupy the land. I agree that it is now high time to rectify the mistakes committed by Nehru during post-Independence.
  4. bharat

    bharat New Member

    Pakistan had illegally occupied a part of northern Kashmir after the partition of India and is trying to occupy the whole of Kashmir. This issue has been in talks and discussions since a long time but nothing has been done till now, although a stern step should have been taken long time back. However, Indian Government should now take a decision in favor of the country and end up the long persistent issue. This illegal occupancy has also created threat to National Security as well as harmony. It should be sorted out soon without giving any part of India to Pakistan.
  5. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    The illegal occupancy of Kashmir by Pakistan is a major issue which India has been facing since Independence and some wrong decisions taken by the then Prime Minister of India Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru due to lack of foresightedness has created more problems. This issue needs to be resolved because we cannot let any part of our nation to be taken away by other nations and I don't think this issue will be resolved by talks so India now needs to show some power.

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