Pakistan’s Accountability and International Obligations

Discussion in 'World' started by deltacamelately, Jan 9, 2009.

  1. deltacamelately

    deltacamelately New Member

    Can anyone tell what are the obligations rested upon a nation under resolution 1373? And what are the rights/actions available to the UN in a scenario where such a nation fails to fulfill its obigations?

  2. sohamsri

    sohamsri New Member


    This is what I could find :

    In order to assess the compliance of countries with the obligations of Resolution 1373, the CTED experts, during country visits, focus their attention on various counter-terrorism areas. The areas which the CTC is likely to assess in Pakistan include the anti-terrorism legislations, with specific focus on the offences, penalties, competence of the courts, criminal procedure and special investigation measures. CTC may also look at the legislations on weapons, explosives and dangerous substances, and legislations on asylum and immigration.

    Moreover, the CTC delegation is likely to look at the measures in place against assets used for criminal purposes. These measures may include an evaluation of the effectiveness of the anti-money laundering law, legislation against the financing of terrorism, supervision of the non-financial sector, structures for oversight of the financial system, and mechanisms for the freezing, seizure and confiscation of the proceeds of crime, as well as of funds intended to finance terrorist acts.

    CTC will further look at the effectiveness of law enforcement methods, such as the counter-terrorism machinery, coordination between different agencies, presence of an early warning system, and methods for combating and preventing criminal activities linked to terrorism. Furthermore, CTC shall evaluate the existence and sufficiency of territorial control methods employed by Pakistan in relation to the control of trans-border movements of persons, control of cargo, mechanisms for issuance and control of identity and travel documents, and methods for the prevention and detection of forgery and fraud.

    In addition to internal controls, CTC shall identify and evaluate the status of international cooperation on these issues, such as the existence of machinery for international cooperation in criminal matters, the status of ratification of anti-terrorism conventions, modalities and effectiveness of judicial cooperation; police cooperation, and modalities of cooperation with regional and international organizations.

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