Online Vs Retail Shopping

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Woman, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Woman

    Woman New Member

    Today we all want the things to be easily approachable, gone are the days when we would plan a week prior to go to the market for doing a lavish shopping since when the online shopping has come into the trend. The online shopping sites have made it so easy to buy the things of choice and utility simply at the door. It is like you are just a click away from the things you want to have. And this easy availability has hindered the people to go to the retailers for buying the commodities; however both of the shopping ways have their own limitation and benefits. With the retailers one can bargain for the things as per wish but in online shopping one is not liberal for bargaining, there we can have different discount offers and free products and other useful schemes which are quite alluring. In retail shopping one has a wide variety of things in front of the eyes but in online one has to depend only on the limited variety of products that is available on that particular shopping portal.

    I personally feel that no matter how much convenient the online shopping is but retail shopping is still better and fruitful. What is your preference between these two?

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