NOI Plan for Women Protection - Women Protection Cell (WPC)

Discussion in 'Women' started by srinuthename, Oct 13, 2009.


Do you think this kind of plan increase safety of women to a considerable extent

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  1. srinuthename

    srinuthename New Member


    women are capable of competing with Men in every field and aspect when given equal oppurtunities and we believe that establishing subsidies or other plans will only keep them suppressed and alienated. According to NOI Women are not equal to men, they are considered greater than men. Because women can do whatever a man can do, but a man can never do what a woman can only do.

    Giving Birth - the only miracle a human can perform when he competes with God. A man can never give birth atleast as today science supports. Even if he wants to he needs the womb of a woman. So by all means Woman is greater than a Man. So no special plans or subsidies or Reservations. But since if women want to any other Job along with the greatest Job on earth(Raising Children), then we will obviously design some plans for them.So that they can manage these jobs side by side.

    Since change doesnt come in a day all the exisitng concepts like special transport will continue to exist till the mass opinion change towards Women, identifying them superior to men. Reservations wont serve the purpose they can only imbibe the feeling of inferiority forever. NOI since a great promoter of world peace it stills believes that the war history of the planet was entirely written bloody hands of men.

    if it woud have been women that are leading at that time. these many man made calamities wouldn't have happened. the wars might well be reduced. and the World wars would never have happened and so the mother Earth would be free from the Dangerous Nuclear Weapons.So it is historical necessity for women to understand their superiority. But not all will think the same way. There might be some anti social elements that may cause harm targetedly to the female gender. So the NOI has designed a fool proof evolving technique to gaurd the women so that they can exercise their rights and freedom.

    If at all there is god, Then Humans are his masterpiece.out of them Man is his greatest mistake and Female is his correction.

    We will utilize such a software which has the capabilites mentioned. This software will in the in the service of Women Protection Cell.(WPC). This is in the control of Regional Governments. Completed maintained by women employees of WPD(Women Police Department), In coordination with WPD.

    1. Initially every woman has to register her mobile(now a days mobiles are so cheap and available to everybody) with the WPC, this is her identification number forever. incase she change the number it has to be informed or can still keep the existing number as the identification key. in case of mobile lost they will be issued the same number.

    2. The registration of applicants will be confirmed in person so as to avoid duplicated entries.
    This operates as follows

    3. When a women has to stay late at work,, she can just make a call to WPC and inform that and can give the expected time of completion. WPC will make a call around that time and ask the details weather she is fine.
    and acts accordngly.

    4. Incase she needs any help the details will be routed to nearest Women Police Station and help arrives. At times they can drop till home and she has to pay the fare just like a taxi.

    5. Let us come to a case of eve teasing - A boy after a girl asking for love.
    then she may not express her difficulty to her parents for various reasons. she can approach WPC through a call. and she even has the chance to take an action or not to.

    6. the action levels are a) Just for information 2) Give a warning 3) Take judicial action

    7. For action levels b) and c) the police will confirm that it really happened and then will proceed.

    8. In case of a Dowry harrassment let us take a scenario.

    A girl entered her husband's house with some dowry. for few months they are most lovliest couple in the world. After somedays one day her husband might face a financial problem. and in need of money and may scold her to bring more money or request ...

    9. There are 3 cases here a) it is just once happened as he is dearly in need of money but actually he is a good boy. b) this might become a habit and in turn a problem to her parents and her c) He actually wants to get rid of her and this is the starting.

    10. Let may be any case she can just inform the WPC about the incidents and mention as just for information. Various reports will be generated in the software from time to time. they can show the direction of his behaviour and this issue and with her permission they will proceed towards a judicial action.

    11. There is every chance that everything can be used wrongly. We will take every measure that innocents will not be punished due to this special provision.

    12. High levels of secrecy is maintained with the data and will be monitored with Hawkeye and whoever wants to be anonymous will always be.

    13. Collecting this kind of data will help the organizations to asses, estimate the trend of problems at various social levels and their causes and possible remedies. This software might be the first of its kind. Initially the WPC will be used for social and household poblems related women and children and later it will accomadate all the nationals of India and all kinds of crime with a change in name.

    14. Any problems above a certain level will not be dealt in the smoother way. How to punish and what punishment should be given to which crime and the philosophy of punishment will be discussed in the coming post of NOI view on Punishment.

    15. A more explained view on how to deal with dowry and dowry related cases will be posted in the next Post - NOI plan for Dowry.

    Please put your thoughts and let this be refined. Don't forget to comment.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2009

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