Need for Judicial Reforms in India

Discussion in 'Law & Judiciary' started by Youthforce, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. Youthforce

    Youthforce Mera Bharat Mahan

    Prompt judicial reforms can save India- This is certainly not the first time when we are hearing of the need of judicial reforms in India. To be precise, more than two generations have already passed hearing the same and a new one has come to the fore already. All these make us pose a question. What ails the Indian Judiciary? Is the Indian Judiciary thoroughly incompetent? It is not fair to consider any such question as treason – as citizens of the largest democracy of the globe, we have this basic right. The issue was under the carpet for a few preceding years but Law Minister Mr. Veerappa Moily’s recent statement has again brought the decade old controversy to the fore. What did the honorable minister say?

    Soon after accepting the charge of the Law Ministry, Mr. Veerappa Moily made it clear that the UPA Government, during the next five years, would give emphasis to judicial reforms in India and also make certain that rule of law would be for every individual. There is something more to be concentrated on. The honorable Law minister stated without qualms that judicial reforms could not be half-done or fragmented. On the word of him, it has to be holistic and just tackling one side would not help.

    What is the real story then? Such a statement from the Law Minster of the Union Government of India can’t be gratuitous in any manner. If we look into the appraisals of legal experts, it gets clear that the Indian judicial system, for decades, has been crying for reforms. The one and only reason is despicable and prompt justice has been by and large indefinable. There is a colossal burden of in excess of 2.5 crore cases in spite of measures to trim it down.

    On the word of experts, there has been a loss of public reliance in the Indian judicial system, and a mounting resort to mayhem and violent crime to resolve disputes can be termed as the best specimen of the same development. As per them, judicial reforms must take place before long so as to restore public confidence in the judiciary and this is the only way to save the country from ensuing anarchy and confusion.

    I request all proud Indians to spare valuable time to give serious thought and post their Kind suggestions here in this Forum.

  2. nidhisood

    nidhisood New Member

    India certainly needs judicial reforms, for its speedy and efficient recovery in the hearts and mind of the people. For any matter to reach its final verdict, there are many process involved, which leads to more time consumption. The judicial verdict should be released within minimum time, as often it takes decades for the verdict to finally arrive. Secondly there are many conditions for which our judicial Performa does not hold any prospects and since there is a regular reform in crimes, there should be regular reform in judicial norms as well.
  3. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    India needs judicial reforms

    Indian judicial reform needs speedy reformation. It’s slow and steady approach is costing too much to the country. In the era of jet age and technical boon, the judicial system is still working in primitive style. The judicial restructuring is required not only on it’s functioning part but also in the formation, as they are certain areas where neither of the laws has clear impact.
  4. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    india is moving to a new era whole together where things have changed. but these existing judiciary laws are not efficient enough to sort out things in the present. there is high need of judiciary reforms because we can find loads of cases pending for hearing and execution. the indian judicial system is out-forced and has become weak in executing efficient actions
  5. Anil Gidwani

    Anil Gidwani New Member

    Judiciary key to survival of any country

    The country will perish if judicial reform does not happen soon.Judicial reforms are the need of the Day in the Country. The current judicial system in India needs to be cleared of procedural complexities and hurdles to make it accessible for the common citizens.

    JUSTICE DELAYED is justice denied.
  6. R2India

    R2India New Member

    yes i agree with this.. not only me.. whole nation is on wait to see when the indian judiciary starts functioning effectively and efficiently without any delays. many people in india are deprived of justice which they seek for their dear ones.
  7. bharat

    bharat New Member

    Judiciary is one of the most important pillar of Indian Democracy. Indian judiciary needs to be reformed as the laws that exist today are not efficient enough to curb the rising crime in the society. Judicial reform is the need of the hour. Many people even today are deprived of justice because they cannot afford the high cost that is required. Moreover, it is a time taking process so many people do not approach the Court for justice. It is time to change and modify the judicial system of India, making it more effective, less time consuming and affordable.
  8. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    I totally agree that India needs judicial reform. The flaw with Indian Judicial system is that it takes a long time to do justice and this lessens the faith in the judicial system. Judicial reform will also help in curbing a lot of crime from the nation and making it a better nation to live.

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