Spirituality is not to be considered as something unusual and only meant for the masters, saints and philosophers but it is rather a broad way to lead the life since it enlightens a person about the reality of his own being, the universe and the eternal being. In the present scenario where people are getting too much engrossed in following religious beliefs and tend to get glued to many unhealthy notions like religious differences, communalism, social discrimination and others, there arises a deliberate need to initiate a spiritual revolution in the Indian society. This spiritual revolution is to be started in order to bring everlasting peace, harmony and realization within the people. People should be made aware of the truth that eternally we human beings are the same purest beings who need to maintain the harmony between each other, this would surely help the people to come over the prejudices and differences based on physical and narrow religious belief system. Indian society is somewhere burning in the unwanted contrived beliefs and ethos which can only be redirected and corrected by the way of spirituality. Spirituality should be a way to create a new belief system among the human race that encourages love, harmony, cooperation, peace and brotherhood.