Nationalism beyond the border of India

Discussion in 'Indians Abroad' started by Youth, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. Youth

    Youth Moderator

    When we talk about Indian nationalism, it is not confined within the boundaries of India. It spreads all over the world, where the NRIs and the people of Indian origin are residing. Even during our freedom struggle, the Indians living in the foreign countries played a significant role. The Indian national flag was first displayed by the non-resident Indians only in a foreign country. Even Mahatma Gandhi learnt the lessons of nationalism in England and South Africa.

    Today, the Indian reside almost everywhere in the world. Leveraging this power, we can do much more than our imagination. What are the initiatives that NRIs and the People of Indian Origins can take? Being exposed to international socio-cultural environment, NRIs are more aware of the significance of nationalism that our country badly needs. There is a position to play a bigger role.

    Our government is issuing special cards to the people of Indian origin of some countries. Even in the absence of such official document, the cultural heritage that all of us share is more than enough to inspire and motivate us.

    We need a platform and coordination, where all Indians (including the NRIs and PIOs ) will be able to share their views and stand up together for a cause. Only formal functions like Pravashi Bharatiya Divas will not do. We don’t need a single spark but a flow of passion that will run through everyone’s heart.

    Indian Diaspora is a power to reckon with. And if we can unite the NRIs/PIOs undoubtedly, it will be a world power. Are the NRIs ready to emerge as the super power?

    Non resident indian , indians abroad , NRI , indian origin , NRI group , NRI point , Indians , pravasi , abroad ,

  2. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    Indian Roots

    Nationalism is the core value ingrained in every true Indian. While Indians are getting high in the global platform, they still hold the values that are so very Indian. It feels great that we are doing so well globally but NRIs need the recognition so that they can do a lot more for their country.

    The views of NRIs are vital in the making of a powerful India.
  3. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    Indian Nationalism beyond the border

    What these NRI' are doing abroad is bringing glory back to India only. The people of India and government should understand this power and should draft certain policies and programs which can unite all the Indian together from around the globe. This will help the NRIs come close to their nation ones again, and then this will boost them to take some initiative regarding their motherland’s development, which in return can benefit the citizen of India. But for this government has to make special arrangement and provisions, which can bring all Indian together and then together we all can grow and make our country proud.
  4. bharat

    bharat New Member

    Nationalism is something which is incarcerated in the heart of every Indian and The territorial boundaries do not act as a barrier to it. The NRI's are also Indians residing in other nations and nationalism is too alive in their hearts. The feeling of nationalism is more in the hearts of the NRI's than the people residing in India. They are better conservators of Indian culture and traditions.
  5. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    NRIs seem to have a more strong feeling of Nationalism than the people residing in India. Most NRIs make India proud with their work and achievement and this proves that Nationalism exists beyond the border of India. The rich and age old India culture is seem to be preserved by the NRIs and they are more inclined to the nation and brings glory to India.

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