Most Dynamic Politician?

Discussion in 'Politics & Society' started by Indiaforce, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Indiaforce

    Indiaforce New Member

    Among the so many politician across our country India from different parties, whom do you think to be the most dynamic among all? Please share your views.

  2. tigerwoods

    tigerwoods New Member

    Right now I can see Rahul Gandhi as a most dynamic politicians of Indian government.. He has the potential and if he utilizes in the favor of the people than he has the very bright future as a Leader .. and over all he will be considered as a maker of the country not as a destroyer like other politicians are...
  3. karanthegreat

    karanthegreat New Member

    Most of our Politicians used to do any job not only for the service of our country but also for their needs also. Dynamic politicians means he/she should be determined to do anything for the development of our country and as well as should be well educated too. Rahul Gandhi however is the most dynamic amongst all the others. He has gone with some excellent steps towards a better future of our country.
  4. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    if you are asking dynamic as in active no matter to whatever is concerned, there are many dynamic politicians who are active to make money and make publicity, but coming to the politicians who are worthy and dynamic there are hardly any i can say. i think shusma swaraj in women and rahul gandhi in men are quite dynamic.
  5. R2India

    R2India New Member

    well there are many dynamic politicians. to name a few are narendra modi, shushma swaraj, chidambaram and mr mukherjee.. the problem goes with some of the ministers who are least bothered about the nation. they come into politics just for the monetary purpose. but not to forget the good ones who dedicate their service to the nation.
  6. National

    National New Member

    in my view its chidambaram, and shushma swaraj as these both tackle the issue pretty well. its been noticed that chidambaram has moved from finance minister to home minister. he has the capability to tackle various environments. and shushma swaraj being a women is dynamic and full of spirit working stupendously as an opposition leader.
  7. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Rahul Gandhi seems to be the most dynamic personality and the powerful leader among those old and useless leaders. He has teh young blood and has the capability to make many changes in the country for the betterment of the country if he actually wants. His stand on Noida people was awesome and appreciated. HE has the power to move the decision an can take steps on any issue.
  8. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    In my view it is Rahul Gandhi because he is found visiting rural areas nearby Noida and other parts of UP. We do not for how capable he is to make decisions, but yes he is always on the move and so we can tag him the most dynamic Indian politician.

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