Mobile Phone; a Revolutionary Tool for Indians

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Campus, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. Campus

    Campus New Member

    With the advent of Industrialization and Technology advancement, Mobile phones have now become ubiquitous. And needless to say that mobile phones have brought a kind of revolution in the society and within its people. We are as sure of the fact that mobile phones have now become one of the most essential utility of the living of the people. People are not only using mobiles for connecting with others verbally, but there are many other significant roles which the mobile phones are now playing for the people. Not even a single section of the society has been left unimpressed from the influence of mobile phones. In fact technology has been better expressed through the means of Mobile phone. Numerous of apps, devices have been introduced in India so far.

    Mobile phones have not only advanced the lifestyles of the urban people, but they have immensely raised the connectivity and accessibility to technology within the rural people as well. Those rural people who were once totally ignorant of the usage of traditional phones are now able to access to mobile phones in the daily life. Kudos to the telecommunication facilities and to technology as well that has reformed itself in such a way and also to modify it to become approachable for all. Youth has utilized the mobile phone in a tremendously well manner. Social Media facilities provided by the mobile phones is one such boon that has helped the youth raise their participation in many of the social, cultural and political events and activities. Mobile phones have certainly helped the people in order to become informed, raising participation, increasing accessibility and increasing the connectivity within.

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