Migraine Headache

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by Preeti999, May 30, 2011.

  1. Preeti999

    Preeti999 New Member

    Migraine Headache Causes, Symptoms,
    Diagnosis and Treatment​

    There are many people around the world who suffer from migraine headaches and yet are not aware of it. Here is some of the useful information what you can have of it.

    What is a migraine headache?

    It is a form of headache which is accompanied along with nausea (vomiting like sensation). It is caused by enlargement of blood vessels in the brain which cause disturbance to the neighboring nerves which inturn cause inflammation and pain leading to a highly painful condition. It is also associated with increased release of chemical mediators involved in sympathetic activity which inturn precipitate the other symptoms of migraine.

    Migraine headache types

    Various parts of brain could be involved in migraine and depending on the part that could be affected it is of various types:

    1. Vertebro basilar Migraine: In this type of migraine, lower part of brain is affected and so activities like consciousness and balance of body are affected, resulting in symptoms like Fainting with an Aura, Vertigo, Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), difficulty in speaking.

    2. Hemiplegic migraine: This is again of two types, Familial and Sporadic, both of which involve motor weakness (partial paralysis) and migraine accompanied by an aura (light as halo).

    3. Retinal migraine: These are very rare attacks and are accompanied by visual disturbances such as temporary blacked condition which sometimes can even reach the extent of one eye going blind.

    Migraine headache symptoms or How is migraine diagnosed?

    Well the diagnosis of migraine is based on the symptoms which precipitate, which could be like mild to severe headache, nausea, photophobia ( fear of light), phonophobia ( fear of sound).

    Women are three times more affected with migraine than men. It generally begins in early childhood. Generally the physician would ask for familial migraine problems because there are high incidents of getting it as hereditary. In some adverse cases, diagnostic tests such as MRI and CT (computer tomography) are suggested to scan the nervous tissue.

    migraine Treatment

    The treatment for migraine can involve medication therapy and non medication therapy.

    In non medication therapy, the preventive measures can be opted for such as having a sound sleep which can lower the migraine.

    In medication therapy, there are many drug regimens which can be opted for, but generally the simpler drugs include Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as:

    • Ibuprofen
    • Naproxen

    Sometimes drug classes such as Tricyclic anti depressants and SSRIs are also prescribed for effective treatment.

    In worse cases where these drug treatments do no work, Migraine surgery can also be performed where the areas affected causing migraine are surgically removed.

    Migraine Headache Cure

    The migraine attacks can be prevented by using the regular drug treatment prescribed by the doctor and secondarily by avoiding factors ( Triggers) causing migraine attacks.

    Migraine Headache Triggers that can be prevented are:

    • Stressful conditions
    • Sleep disturbances
    • Strong Odors
    • Alcohol
    • Fasting (empty stomach)
    • Excess intake of caffeine

    Many women are affected with migraine due to hormonal disturbances in menstrual cycle.

  2. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Well, Good information about migrane. This is the problem that is the result of over stress and depression. Migrane is an incurable disease but it can be controlled by the exercise and precautions. One who is suffering from migrane should not take any stress and sleep on time. They should avoid going out in afternoon and under sun. By following these things and few prescribed medicines this situation can be controlled.
  3. Preeti999

    Preeti999 New Member

    Symptoms Of Migraine Headaches

    Migraine is a chronic debilitating condition where the person usually suffers from unilateral (affecting only one side of the head) and pulsation. The attack lasts about 4-72 hours with associated symptoms like nausea which can be very high during some attacks.

    The migraine headaches bear a conspicuous fashion in which they occur. Patients describe it intense, pulsating, pounding pain in the head mostly occurring in the forehead region of the patient. Sometimes the pain could be even backside of the head depending upon the region involved in pathophysiology of the migraine in that particular patient.

    Aura : One of the main symptoms of migraine is Aura. According to studies conducted 20% of the patients are reported to have been affected with this symptom. In an Aura, the patient has a perception of high intensity light accompanied by confusion or anxiety which lasts for very few seconds to few minutes. This usually occurs at the beginning of the attack of migraine headache.

    The patient may witness of the type of following auras :

    1. Zig-zag lines of bright intensity which may be white or colored.
    2. A scotoma (referred to as Blind Spot) in the visual field.

    Migraines can also be associated with aura without headaches and such migraines are called as silent migraines as patient only suffers from the aura and not the headache.

    The visual disturbance may also be like that of cloudy appearance in some patients who report it to be like as if seeing through a smoked glass.

    Pins and needles : Some patients report of having sensation of pins and needles on one side of their arm or hand or even around the nose and eyes. These are scientifically called parasthesias which are usually associated with tingling, numbness and pricking sensations.

    Prodrome : This is a set of symptoms which are usually seen before the attack of migraine. These include conditions like depression, anxiety, constipation, diarrhea, stiff neck muscles, and excessive sleep. It occurs in majority of the patients.

    Pain : This is a major symptom seen in most of the patients. It occurs usually on one side of the skull (unilateral) and it passes on to other areas of skull. The pain may subside and again relapse in some patients. The duration of pain varies, it is 1 to 48 hours in children and much more in adults.

    There are other symptoms of migraine which are associated with the above major symptoms. Some of them are :

    1. Photophobia ( fear of light)
    2. Phonophobia ( fear of sound)
    3. Osmophobia ( fear of strong smells)
    4. Tinnitus ( ringing sounds in ears)
    5. Polyuria ( excessive urination)
    6. Excessive sweating
    7. Vertigo ( reeling sensation), migraine with this symptom are called vestibular migraines as the region in ear called vestibule is affected which helps in maintaining body balance.
    8. Fatigue ( loss of energy)
    9. Excessive yawning and sleepiness.
    10. Pallor ( pale hands and legs) associated with cold feet and hands.
    11. Mood changes.
  4. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Wow! you have mentioned some great signs of migrane. This is the problem that many people especially office workers and youngsters are facing in their daily life. this can only be eradicated by following some easy steps like stop going out under teh sun and stop taking stress.
  5. Leader

    Leader New Member

    Many people suffer usually from headaches on daily basis. They’ve these pains and aches, many times pounding headaches which are caused by each type of things from stress to weather to hormonal misbalance which are traditionally takes place in the body. There is a kind of headache which is worst than any other and that is migraine that can bring our nerves down. It sis very much known as migraine headache. You should treat this problem as soon as you can as it can become chronic actually.
  6. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    I have been suffering from Migraine since childhood and went through several treatment. However, there is no permanent or long-term treatment for Migraine. It is generally a hereditary problem but without any permanent solution. Most people who suffer from migraine has problem with light when it attacks. Headache accompanied by nausea is a common symptom of Migraine headache.
  7. Ankith

    Ankith New Member

    Migraine is a chronic disorder characterized by recurrent moderate to severe headaches, with a number of autonomic nervous system symptoms.

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