Healthcare is a broader term that includes not only the physical health but it also the mental, physiological and social health. A society always expects its people to live healthy and wealthy, thus to take care of the each and every aspect of their health is the prime responsibility of the society as well as the government. If the people of the society would be fit and fine, then only one can visualize growth and development of the nation. Keeping a watch over the holistic health of the people of the country should be the national priority for the government and the health ministry. A holistic health care of the people is an inclusive concept that involves better sanitation, improved medical services, cleanliness of the city and living areas, check over atmospheric pollution, feasible and fair distribution of medical facilities and treatments and most importantly a sustainable management of the health infrastructure. If the government would perceive the healthcare as its national priority then it will surely take successful and serious measures to improve and advances the present healthcare system in the country. The health of each citizen is important for the country, because citizens suffering from health issues are rarely able to contribute to the betterment of any aspect of the country. Thereby health care is not a secondary aspect of the development but rather one of the top priorities of the country.