Major Mariappan Saravanan

Discussion in 'Indian Army' started by Tiger, May 26, 2011.

  1. Tiger

    Tiger New Member

    Shaheed Major Mariappan Saravanan is possibly the first officer to fall in the Kargil war 1999. He was an officer in the prestigious Bihar Regiment of the Indian Army. He was Martyred in hand to hand combat with intruders after killing four intruders in the Batalik area of Kargil Sector on 29 May 1999, along with 33 soldiers and four other officers.

    Major Mariappan Saravanan had led a platoon up the Jubar Hills on May 29. While he was able to take back two bunkers the rest of Jubar Hills was under enemy control. One of the platoon members accompanying Mariappan Saravanan and the only one to survive the attack, was Naik Shatrughan. He was hit on his legs three times and it took him ten days to crawl back to base. He gave the unit the information of how Major Saravanan died after killing at least four of the enemy in hand-to -hand combat. Naik Shatrughan later died in the field hospital because of gangrene.

    A grateful Indian Army gave him the title 'The Hero of Batalik.' The Tamil Nadu Government has introduced a Chapter in class VII called -- 'They brought home the hero dead,' which is a true inspiration to the children who read it.

    ''Mummy, I will get you a Veer Chakra''

    ( The last words uttered by Major M Saravanan to his mother, before leaving for the Kargil war )

    The President awarded him a Vir Chakra for his admirable courage. When his Commanding Officer came for Major Sarvanan's funeral, told his mother: 'You are not Saravanan's mother alone, you are a mother to the nation.'

    Major Saravanan Memorial Trust has been set up by his mother in his native place Tiruchi. The aim of the trust is to Promote Indian army . Major Saravanan Memorial Trust visits schools, holds seminars and camps in colleges and universities round the year to motivate youth to join the Indian army. In Tamil Nadu, This noble mission has become very popular among the youth. We need such people to campaign for the army, which has shortage of officers.

    12 years post Kargil war, the memories of the gory battle fought on the inhospitable terrain of Dras and Batalik sectors in Jammu and Kashmir seem to be fading. The sacrifices of our defence personnel should always be remembered. Through the fading images of our heroes, one figure which looms larger than life is of Major Mariappan Saravanan, the brave son of Mother INDIA.

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