Lokpal Bill passed in Lok Sabha

Discussion in 'Politics & Society' started by Kaur, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. Kaur

    Kaur New Member

    Like the debate continues, let us now quickly scrutinize the main focal points that aroused the whole of Indian nation to speak against corruption.

    The government finally thought that in order to preserve the ideals of democratic government, sanctioning of Lokpal Bill is essential. Therefore, to put the same as an experimental basis the officials decided not to grant it the constitutional status as of now. This bill entails registering complaints or corruption committed by parliamentarians as well as other public servants. The movement in favor of sanctioning the Bill began by various activists, retired government official, religious preachers. The clauses of the Bill was drafted for the first time by the once Supreme Court Justice Santosh Hedge, the Supreme Court lawyer Prashant Bhushan along with the fellow RTI activist Arvind Kejriwal. It was decided to have the Lokpal Institution at the Centre and Lokayukta points at the state level.

    On 27th December, the Lokpal Bill was passed in the parliament. Let us quickly go through the Government’s model of Lokpal.

    -The constitutional body of Lokpal will consist of nine members headed by an eminent personality.
    -The reservation policy has also been taken care of by dedicating 50% seats for the reserved categories along with women while the rest 50% will consist of 8 members from the Jury team selected by a expert panel consisting of Prime minister, the Lok Sabha speaker, the Opposition party leader, the Chief Justice of India along with an eminent jurist.
    -Prime minister will be scrutinized under Lokpal but there are no restrictions in areas of national security, international relations necessary in maintenance of public order, atomic and nuclear power decisions.
    -CBI has been kept out of Lokpal at the moment though the power of CBI lies with Government at large.

    The Anticipations Continues

    The mass movement in support of the anti corruption vis-à-vis Lokpal Bill led by the various social activists ignited the fresh minds of the youths in our country. This was done with an aim to bring the white collar crime to an end. The Lokpal was passed though not granted the constitutional status. The Government’s first step taken towards the movement against corruption in spite of all odds needs a pat. The Government’s journey of ending corruption by public servants has marked the good intentions of the parliamentarians and its enfolding will be observed in years to come. The post independence promised us a lot of newer betterments. Lokpal Bill aims at one such positive change that will benefit us, we the citizens. Amidst the oppositions, the ruling party made possible the sanctioning of these much debated commandments. The Lokpal Bill is our Government’s gift to its citizens increasing our responsibility in protecting our own rights. The laws are important but the execution of the laws is even more significant. The people who will be responsible in enacting these laws are vested with lots of hopes and dreams and we, the commoners look forward for a changed India free from corruption.

  2. IamanINDIAN

    IamanINDIAN New Member

    A strong lokpal is just a dream! The present government had earlier claimed that they would reform the proposed lokpal to make it stronger to ensure that all loopholes are covered. And now in the rajya sabha they say that they would bring a new lokpal afresh. Team anna says that its just another gimmick played by the government to while away time. What do you think?

    MR.SINGH New Member

    There is no scope of Lokpal Bill If CBI is kept Out of Lokpal. It is like appointing Home Guards without the Cannoneer!!
  4. youthens

    youthens New Member

    I agree with you. Passing the Lokpal bill without including the CBI is of no use. The main objective of having a corruption free nation with the Lokpal Bill will remain unfulfilled if CBI is kept out of it. Moreover, PM should also come under this and should not be kept out of its jurisdiction. By including these, perhaps the passing of Lokpal bill can bring about some change to India and help it become a better nation. Do you agree?

    MR.SINGH New Member

    Yes to some extent lokpal could be helpful but then the new part of concern will be the credibility of lokpal as we can see how preponderence of the CBI is affected by political infiltration and ultimately the CBI remains to be just a figurehead of the ruling ones. The corrupted politicians and bureaucrats will leave no stone unturn in order to do the same with the Lokpal leaving it skeptic.To avoid such circumstances and keeping in purview of credibility of the Lokpal stringent laws should be made in support of the Lokpal to make it an apex institution for its vigilance and worthiness.

    PS : and yes definitely! the PM should come under the maze of lokpal.
  6. Bharatiya

    Bharatiya New Member

    But its highly far from reality that Lokpal can become an apex institution, working independently. The top notch bureaucrats and politicians would never let this happen. Because if this happens, those who are guilty would get caught. So, i believe nobody would allow such an institution to come up. There would always be certain loopholes for the corrupt, if not, such loopholes will be implanted strategically so that the guilty can evade. I may be wrong, but its just my perspective.
  7. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    You are right to a certain extent. Corruption is so deep rooted in our nation that no institution like Lokpal can be effective. The bureaucrats that are sitting on the top will let this thing work effectively. Moreover, the politicians will not let it happen and will surely find ways for corruption. We need some better solution for removing corruption. However, if people of our nation join hands against removing corruption, then only it can be eliminated. What do you think?

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