Liposuction on neck

Discussion in 'Women' started by Preeti999, May 23, 2011.

  1. Preeti999

    Preeti999 New Member

    Many people are genetically predisposed to store more fat in their neck region. And this leads to increase in girth of neck and also gives it a fluffy nature. So going along the neck liposuction becomes on of the best way to reduce the excess fat in the neck region and thereby improving the facial features of that person. Before undergoing the neck liposuction, one should have enough self confidence to give a positive yes for the surgery.

    What is neck liposuction?

    The procedure of liposuction is not much complicated; it involves use of a stainless steel cannula which acts as a vacuum pump which sucks with high pressure. This is inserted in various regions of body, here in the neck by making small incision and the fat is sucked out. The patient is usually given general or local anesthesia depending on the type of patient. If the patient is very much paranoid about the surgery then general anesthesia is opted.

    Factors that need to be considered for liposuction:

    There could be several factors that should be taken into consideration before going for a liposuction surgery. Some of them are:

    1. One must be sure that he/she is not afraid of getting a little loose skin after the fat is removed from that area. Some women complain of getting flab of skin or even wrinkles which spoils their beauty. So this could one of the negative end of this neck liposuction.

    2. Some of the people may not be accustomized to the new look and may feel it odd to have such thin neck after the surgery, so the patient must be mentally prepared for this as this is something going to happen inevitably.

    3. Another factor is choosing the right doctor/surgeon for getting your liposuction done. He/she must be highly qualified individual with a valid degree and must have performed such surgeries even before with high success rates. One should also try to get review and feedback from other patients about the surgeon whom you are going to consult.

    How does Liposuction work in removing fat?

    Liposuction in the neck region is generally an outpatient procedure and involves a simple procedure of vacuum suction in a localized area. The procedure involves absolute precision and the pain is usually subsided by administration of anesthetics. Fat is sucked out using the cannula as mentioned earlier and then bandages are applied on the area of incision from which the cannula was inserted. The whole procedure takes about an hour and the person heals slowy recovering from the wounds.

    There could be scars on the face left due to the incisions and so the person may go for chemical peeling sessions where the skin tone is adjusted and skin is also smoothened.

    Cost of neck liposuction in India

    The cost of neck liposuction varies from clinic to clinic but is usually less in india when compared to other nations. Comprehensive pricing study can be done before checking into any doctors clinic.

    Alternatives to Neck Liposuction :

    Some people who are very much concerned about loose skin after the neck liposuction may also go for facelifts as an alternative therapy which is also safer and effective.

  2. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    Liposuction is a technique that is done to extract the extra fat from the body. This is the process that is quite dangerous and makes you fat again. This is not done as it has many side effects. NEck liposuction is very dangerous as it can give rise to many sensitivity and neck problems. One should reduce weight by natural ways and not by artificial techniques.
  3. khushboo

    khushboo New Member

    liposuction is the worst way to lose weight or remove fat from any particular part. even if you want to go for liposuction then it is always advisable to consult some good doctor or surgeon who is an expert in liposuction and have done successful cases. NEck liposuction is very sensitive issue so take a great care while going for it!
  4. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    For the people who are very cautious about their looks, liposuction can be a boon, but if one is looking casually for a treatment to reduce fat on neck, liposuction may not be the best way. Though the treatment is safe, there are ample chances of skin getting wrinkled and sometimes the fat gets deposited back.
  5. traveller

    traveller New Member

    Liposuction surgery has become quite famous today. It is a surgery carried out in different parts of the body to remove fats. It is more common among young girls and women. Liposuction on neck has become more common today and many people undergo this surgery to look beautiful. However, there are certain issues with this surgery like the sink gets wrinkled and flaps often appears after the surgery as the skin becomes loose. So it is important that to get it done by an expert.
  6. seema

    seema New Member

    Although people opt for liposuction today for reducing the extra fat but I personally do not feel that it is a very good idea. It reduces the extra fat but does not make the person beautiful because after undergoing liposuction, the skin of that area becomes loose. If liposuction is done on the neck, it does not enhance the beauty but instead reduces it. Moreover it is risky if not done by a veteran plastic surgeon.

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