Let us really be proud to be Indian

Discussion in 'India' started by Jagwant Singh, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. Jagwant Singh

    Jagwant Singh New Member

    fellow Proud Indians,

    Would we like to have an India whose people are FREE from:

    1. Diseases
    2. Poverty
    3. Corruption

    Would we like to have an India who is the world leader Economically, Morally and Spiritually.

    If so, please respond. And let us together work towards these lofty goals so that there is truly a high sense of self esteem and we can really be
    Proud 2B Indians.

    Jai Hind !!! Jai Bharat !!!

  2. Hi Jagit Ji,

    Aim set forward by you is very attractive and sweet to any Indian, but is very high and can be achieved by a planed 'step by step' action only. I feel the FIRST step will be to clear' HATRED' from the minds of every Indian towards other Indians, due to religious, cast, creed, regional, linguistic, cultural, political, rich, poor and bring in 'Hope eternal' in their minds by inducting mutual trust, affection and love among all Indians.

    I am with you, without any reservations in whatever small way I could.

    Jai Hind !

  3. Jagwant Singh

    Jagwant Singh New Member

    Thank you for your positive response to my message :)

    OK, now lets get down to the nuts and bolts of how to go about getting the India (Bharat) as outlined in message and to which you have given your support.

    I will try and cover one point in each message from now onwards.

    Point No. 1 100% Voting Power of the Vote.

    Friends please remember that our true strength really lies in our vote. Therefore 100% of us all must vote. Very simple. But the most effective way in which we can achieve the Country of our dreams. An eligible Indian who does not vote may actually be considered to be some one who is harming the Country !?

    Secondly and equally important, please vote for the best candidate, as per your knowledge and assessment. As all political parties have failed our Country and its people, please do not vote for any political party but for the best candidate, regardless of the party he/she belongs to, or even an independent candidate.

    Please remember that we will get the type of politicians we vote for. Vote for the best candidate and we will have the best politicians; vote for criminals and there will be criminals in the government regard less of political parties.

    Also please remember that if we do so and it becomes clear to the political parties that the better candidates get votes then they will be forced to field clean candidates with good records instead of criminals.

    Laws are made with difficulty and do not necessarily deliver desired results, but the power of the vote used as suggested, may do much more good than any law.

    Please remember that the most important event for a democratic Country like hour, the General Election are soon due. So let us concentrate on this aspect and vote in the best possible political leaders for our Country and ouselves. So please vote 100% ask others to do so and give your vote to the most desirable candidate regardless of party affiliations.
  4. Jagwant Ji, I have reservations in the way it is progressing. I do not think, it can be practically worked-out. Therefore, it is better to work- out the agenda i.e. the whole step-by-step action intended to be taken first, discuss it and finalise it, before start discussing each step. This blind-fold leading will not lead us anywhere. So, let us start discussing the agenda, the preferences, the mode of execution, the mode of co-ordination, and monitoring of the results etc. in details

    regards ,
  5. Ravi Venkatraman

    Ravi Venkatraman New Member

    Mr. Jagwant,

    I agree with you totally only if the people cast their vote 100% or atleast 90% the true democracy prevail.

    Voting should be made compulsory. If any one does not vote in a general election they are not eligible for any benefits extended by the government till the next general election. Electronic citizen card similar to debit/credit card should be given to all the citizens and voting details (voted/not voted) recorded in them. Apart from fixed voting booths mobile voting booths with police protection should go to the public to facilitate 100% voting. Access to voting from any part of the country through Electronic card etc. to be introduced.

    Jai Hind !!!
  6. Jagwant Singh

    Jagwant Singh New Member

    am in agreement with your views and suggestions.

    However there is little time, and for the time being, let's all resolve to cast our vote voluntarily and encourage others to do so. So that we get as near as possible to the ideal 100% voting figure.

    What is also crucial is that we vote for the best candidate regardless of party affiliations. Parties have fooled us enough. let us at least try and get the best possible candidate elected out of the available options. Hopefully,the next lot of elected leaders will be better; less of criminals and less of the corrupt!
  7. Jagwant Singh

    Jagwant Singh New Member

    Dear Mr Rajan ji,

    Dont you think we have had enough of discussions? And where has that led us? Yes we can have discussion ( till the cows come home). But this is not the time for discussions. This is a time for action!

    And what is so non practical about it? All we need to, and must do ,is to try
    and get a vote as near to 100% as possible. For that we need to vote and
    encourage all others to vote. And to make a change vote for the best candidate regardless of party affiliations or perceived 'winnability' (the ability to win}.
  8. This is a Democratic Country, and things must be done in a democratic way. I feel.
  9. Jagwant Singh

    Jagwant Singh New Member

    What is so undemocratic about voting :confused:
  10. KP.hemant_nair

    KP.hemant_nair New Member

    Proud to be Indian

    Dear Friends we should be proud to be Indians as we are the only ones who have the proud privilege to be associated with an India which is ever beautiful, has a rich heritage and history, above all the exquisite spiritual teachings and experience than any other geographical entity in the entire world. It is sad that irrespective of this greatness behind us we continue to consider ourselves the lesser mortals.

    It is time to arise, awake and stop not till the goal of greatness is achieved by us in every sphere of existence.

    Jai Hind
  11. sharad shah

    sharad shah New Member

    In my view, India is not a piece of land mentioned in the world atlas. India is a land where any an Indian is staying and breathing the air. Similarly Indian is not a man from India, which is shown in the world map.

    But the true Indian is a human in real sense, who accepts the other as an individual and immensely love him/her irrespective of his/her cast and creed. And every true Indian must feel proud, as very few humans are left on this earth. It is now one of the rare species. If you are so be proud of it.To be an Indian is an achievement after the reformation process in which all hatreds and anger burns out and only love exist.
  12. Jai_aries87

    Jai_aries87 New Member

    Welcome criticism

    We are the most liberalised people in the world, because India is the largest democracy in the comity of nations. I am proud of being a citizen of that concept. And I always abide by my constitution, which gurantee me my fundamental rights. Also I am aware of my fundamental duties which the constitution prescribes for me.

    So, I never reject any type of criticism. Only can constructive criticism rectify our shortcomings. Then only we are able to streamline the system. Let people criticise until they have reached to find nothing to criticise about my India. For me, mother and motherland are not different. I cannot differentiate the sweet breast milk of my mother and the sweet breeze of my motherland. We don't sing always " Saare jahanse achcha Hindustan humaara". That makes us complacent. But our way of living must inspire others to sing: " Saare jahanse achcha Hindustan Tumhaara".If we think that our heritage is like a fortress and occassionally it gets discoloured by climatic fungi, and we have to clean it as and when someone point out the dirts. Because the dirts are more often coming from our own selfish people.
  13. Tripti.kapur

    Tripti.kapur New Member

    will be more proud when india will be corruption free, terror free ,poverty free high on education
  14. Kaur

    Kaur New Member

    calling yourself to be an Indian isn't enough

    Simply calling yourself to be an Indian is not enough. First of all, all traitors who are wolves in sheep’s clothings and who are known criminals and betraying its own mother land in all possible ways should be identified and sacked in real sense.Because these are the rascals who are creating fear in the minds of sincere and dedicated people and do not allow them to come forward.Then only you can think to serve your motherland like a true Indian.

    Vande Mataram
  15. Shirish83

    Shirish83 New Member

    Our political leaders are responsible for this condition of SONE KI CHIDIA,We should all join hands to fight corruption.We all should be proud to be Indian
  16. Dpksharma

    Dpksharma New Member

    Come forward and Accept the Challenge

    hello I am an Indian. and by indian I mean I love all my countrymen, from kohima to dwarka,from drass to indira point.There are many people in our country who have their grievances against the system, but I say its your country, come forward and accept the challenge :)
  17. UncleBushy

    UncleBushy New Member

    I am Proud to B an ndian
  18. venugopal

    venugopal New Member

    Be proud of India

    The first thing about us is we are not proud of our Country.Look at Americans they are proud of there country. Even people go to America are proud of getting Green card and there parents are proud of that in India. But we are not proud of our own country.

    We should make this generation proud being born in India.

    Jai Hind , Jai Bharat

    Vande Mataram

    I am proud to be an Indian
  19. somamuthu_ms

    somamuthu_ms New Member

    Mera Bharath Mahan

    Being an Indian ,we must be aware of the great heritage and culture of our country.So learn about our nation,hold our values and principles and be a true Indian or Bharatiya.


    Have look into this :)

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