Leadership crisis in India

Discussion in 'Politics & Society' started by Divyasharma, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. Divyasharma

    Divyasharma New Member

    India is the magical land which has always been a very prime attraction for several western countries and tourists from all over the world. India has cemented her place as a world power for quite a few years now. India is the proud land which host the Taj Mahal. India is the proud mother of world renowned legends like, Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and many other greats. India has been a developing democracy but the rate of improvement has been appreciated by almost all countries. However, in spite of the tremendous scope and potential of the land which was once called the golden bird, the country today is facing a stiff crisis in the context of leadership.

    The country was always used to great personalities as leaders. However the political scenario has changed a lot. The political field has been corrupted to a very huge extent and the politicians today are mainly people who have taken politics as an occupation. The main reason for this sudden crisis has been because; the best from all fields have stopped from entering the field of politics.

    There was a time when only the best could be a leader and that is what politics demands. When the question is of leading the nation, only a person who has an immense knowledge tank along with several other qualities can. However, the current situation is such that people, who have made a name for themselves in their own field, avoid the subject of politics. This has left such a vacant situation that people who are not apt or could not find any other work to do, join politics. Thus, naturally, the great country of India is facing a crisis in the context of leadership which is not very good news for not only India, but for the entire world.

    Is India facing Leadership Crisis ?

  2. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    A country will develop and flourish only if its leaders are righteous and willing to show their people the right path. The leaders are ought to help people supporting them but the there is immense crisis of the leadership in India. Though we have some good leaders leading the nation but most of them are corrupted.
  3. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    What it takes to be a great leader? A great leader will always see light in darkness and will bring shine and glory to everyone. Today no doubt India is blessed with many political parties, but still it is waiting to have a leader. Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Indira Gandhi; who gave their life for their country. They were the ones who never succumbed to any unusual situation, rather stood with great vigor and fought with great zeal and turned the tables to make everything fall in the very convincing manner. Today India is deprived of such leaders, as the generations of today are flocking towards career that can give them better job security and better pay package. However, we need to understand that by doing so we are actually abandoning our country issues and pushing it more in the hands of criminals and illiterate politicians. To get the things right we need to set our roots in our own land and lead it to horizon of success.
  4. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    everyone country needs some leaders to show the right path to the citizens. though india flourished with great leaders during the ancient times and during the pre-independence era, we do not have many good leaders in india during the present political era. india definitely needs good and well educated leaders so as choose the right path for the future.
  5. sunilpnarayanan

    sunilpnarayanan New Member


    Dear Ignited Minds,
    Indeed we are facing a leadership crisis.But still we have some true patriotic Indians like Kalam who dedicated his life for nation's service.He is like a lotus in a laked untouched by the slush around.
    If we follow his words definitely each one of you are going to become future leaders of our motherland.

    Lets work hard to make our country proud.

    -Vande Mataram
  6. R2India

    R2India New Member

    there are many leaders in india who feel that they are true leaders but it is not the case. a true leader takes good care of the people whom he/she is leading and shows them the right path. but leaders these days are bent on misleading people and looting them. such have become the leaders these days. its become more of looting business by becoming a leader.
  7. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    A strong leadership to run the nation is strongly required this moment. All politicians are busy in their own little grieveances and no one has time to think about the country. Now is the time when someone from the indian government has to raise his or her voice against the strong leadership and show other politicians its way.
  8. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    We are in extreme scarcity of honest and loyal leadership which can rightfully lead our nation to the right direction. The politicians, bureaucrats and ironically even some of the judiciary members are also corrupt and with such deeply spread corruption we cannot hope for a brighter and better India unless there are some really good leaders.
  9. bharat

    bharat New Member

    India which is the World's largest Democracy is still in hunt of a true leader. It is the lack of proper leadership that is creating hindrance in development and progress of the nation. India can be on top of every nation from every aspect but with the lack of proper and perfect leadership, it is lagging behind. However, it has all the potential to become one. Proper leadership is the need of the hour and if we really want our nation to progress then it is our duty to select a strong leader who can lead the nation and show the right direction.
  10. traveller

    traveller New Member

    A honest and good leader is the need of the hour. India is a young and developing nation and needs a true leader to guide and help the nation progress and develop. India has all the potential of becoming a developed nation as well as to become a Superpower. However, the major hurdle is the lack of a strong leader who will work selflessly for the progress and development of the nation.
  11. seema

    seema New Member

    India is facing many problems on the social, political as well as economic front is due to lack of leader. India is going through a huge leadership crisis. A strong leader is the need of the hour if India is to become a developed nation. India needs leaders with foresightedness as this will help India to progress and develop in every aspect and become one of most developed nations.

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