Job aspirations of Indian professionals and foreign destinations


New Member
When it comes to the destination for job, the foreign countries always occupy the most preferred positions. To work in America, UK or Australia has become a craze amongst the youngsters of our country.

What does it signify?
Lack of patriotism or some other factors?
Lack of opportunities, Lack of professionalism, Lack of good remuneration etc. may be some other reasons behind this.

But it’s also true that some workplaces in India are in a position to compete with any foreign company. But most of the time they fail to offer a salary that generally a foreign company offers.

How many of them will prefer to re-locate to India if given the equal opportunity, salary and environment. Any answer?

To work in a foreign country has also become a matter to be proud of in India. The people who return from foreign are given a higher status in our society; they are regarded as a people from the elite class.
But it’s also true that many Indians are engaged in manual jobs in foreign countries. (but they have the dignity of labor in that country)

Earn in dollar and spend in Rupees has become the new mantra of the Indian youths.

Will my friends participate in this discussion and express their views?
Workplace preferences

Given a chance most Indian professionals would like to live and work abroad. This has several factors behind it. Foreign currency earns more and that’s the main reason Indian youths are attracted abroad. Also it’s true that the foreign-returned are given a higher status and seen with a different eye than those who live and work here and have the same status.
Job aspiration of India professionals and foreign desitinationa

It is true that living and working abroad has become a kind of trend and status symbol, but there are reasons, which have supported this trend to bloom. Lack of opportunities, lack of environment and of course currencies are more obvious matter, but apart from that the other reasons are; the right kinds of job and right place to show their talent are too missing in India. How is it happen, that the person, who merely acts like any other man here in India, becomes a successful person aboard. Looking at this fact, we can even say that there is a fault at our own end, which is acting as a catalyst for India in losing all talent people.