Jan Lokpal Bill

Discussion in 'Politics & Society' started by Yuva, Apr 21, 2011.

  1. Yuva

    Yuva New Member


    What is Jan Lok Pal Bill ?

    Jan Lokpal Bill is an anti-corruption bill draft suggested by some prominent civil society activists to push the Government of India to appoint a Jan Lokpal with severe powers to investigate corruption cases against any individual with speedy trial and conviction as well. The panel that suggested the Jan Lokpal includes:

    1. Anna Hazare
    2. Arvind Kezriwal
    3. Shanti Bhusan
    4. Prashant Bhushan
    5. Kiran Bedi
    6. Swami Agnivesh
    7. Justice Santosh Hegde (Lokayukta of Karnataka)

    Jan Lokpal is movement against the Government’s proposed anti corruption bill called Lokpal. Thinking Lokpal as nothing but a toothless tiger, these social activists proposed the profarma of the Jan Lokpal in the guidance of the Lokayukta of Karnatka Justice Santosh Hegde.

    Flaws at Lokpal

    Indian Government led Lok pal bill was certainly a mimic to the law itself with no strict law enforce regime for the administrators, politicians, judges and law makers. Let’s get an idea about the bottlenecks that Lokpal puppet has:

    1. ACB and CBI come under branch so no assurance of unbiased investigation and conviction.

    2. CBI needs to seek permission from those people against whom the case is to be instigated.

    3. Lokpal suggests Central Vigilance Commission as an advisory body so no corrupt officer could ever be dismissed as government may consider it as a suggestion.

    4. Lok pal has no powers to take action against the corrupt judges since only CJI may allow to even registering an FIR against corrupt judges.

    5. CVC and CBI are the secret bodies thus larger scope of ambiguities and corruption

    When Jan Lok pal Steals the Show

    In order to add more substance to the political system and to ensure decentralization of power, Jan Lokpal moves ahead with a number of credible suggestions that make it a sharper ever weapon against corruption in India and Indian system. Let’s know what it says:

    1. Setting up of LOKPAL in the centre and LOKAYUKTA in every state and put it entirely independent of the governments like Supreme Court and the Election Commission.

    2. Maximum trial period of a case is one year and 2 years is the maximum time frame to ensure the conviction.

    3. The loss that government incurs due to the convict will be recovered at the time of conviction.

    4. Lokpal will impose financial penalty on officers if pending task of a person is not done by the government offices in the maximum time frame.

    5. Since the Lokpal officials will be chosen by judges, citizens and constitutional authorities with a completely transparent process no threat of a corrupt Lok pal official may ever happen.

    6. Any complaint against any officer of Lokpal will be investigated on urgent basis and that officer will be dismissed within two months of time frame.

    7. The punishment for the corruption would be minimum for 5 years and maximum of life imprisonment.

    8. Lokpal engulfs all the powers of CVC, departmental vigilance and anti-corruption branch of CBI. It offers it power to independently investigate and prosecute officers, judge or politician against any corruption charges.

    We all Proud Indians should Support Jan lokpal Bill , Anna Hazare and his noble cause. Indian Government should introduce this bill as soon as possible in the Parliament.

  2. R2India

    R2India New Member

    i hope after this bill is passed out there would be some halt in corruption, for it is making the nation more and more foresaken to live in. it is more important that government functions transparently infront of people and improve its efficiency in every sector. then only there could be some relief to the people. the major corrupt officials should be removed from their posts because it is the job security which is making them do all these corrupt jobs.
  3. Leader

    Leader New Member

    This is indeed a great bill and have many advantages but do you think that it would work? everyone is corrupted these days including the civil servants and till what time these civil servants will not listen to the politicians. These politicians are very sh-rude and have the tendency to make the right person a corrupt one. I just hope that whatever the committee has decided and planned must be executed as it is implemented.
  4. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    The Lokpal Bill is still in the review of government committees deciding on the aspects to be included into its purview. I think it would be so easy to pass and implement the bill because the Bill is bringing lots of high cadre personalities into its ambit and this would not be liked by them. So obviously they would cause some hindrance in the process of bringing Lok pal Bill into action.
  5. Economist

    Economist New Member

    I just wish to see the Jan Lok pal bill passed in the system anyhow. This bill will provide the common people with whole lot of benefits but I am just afraid about the government's order as she has put a condition on that to pass the bill at least 25 crores people's consent is required and then only it will be passed in the parliament, which seems to be quite impossible. I do not think that 25 crore people would be knowing about the jan lok pal bill. Shrude politics and politicians isn't it?
  6. culture

    culture New Member

    I think government must stop tormenting the people who want Jan Lokpal Bill and start working on passing it through the common grounds. Government must understand that its a collective voice of nation and not just of those few bunch of civilians claiming themselves as civil society.
  7. Gas

    Gas New Member

    India is regarded as one of the most corrupt counrty in the World. Jan Lokpal Bill is an instrument of the people to irradicate corruption from our nation. Jan Lokpal Bill should be passed by the Government and help in stopping corruption. It iwill indeed prove to be beneficiary for the nation as a whole.
  8. rithika

    rithika New Member

    Jan Lokpal bill once issued would bring out a lot more changes and would make the country more eminent than now. It's expected that Congress government will dissolve, once the bill is been accepted without any negotiations. With this, we can our nation free from corruption. Both the election results and Lokpal bill constitute in a similar way for all the politicians, as they have to be in a confused state whether they're going to be affected or not.
  9. shivanigupta

    shivanigupta New Member

    I don't think through Jan Lokpal Bill alone we Indians can get rid of ill fate of this country. It can help in eradicating corruption from India But the corrupt Indian politics will be cured completely only when corrupt Politicians A Raja , Kanimori , Kalmadi and so many more dumbos will lose elections every time.

    Manmohan Singh doesn't fight elections anyways :D

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