It is Recession or Depression

Discussion in 'Economy & Infrastructure' started by nehaverma, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. nehaverma

    nehaverma New Member

    We can never say Its a depression when it is existed. Today we named the present situation as RECESSION...after few years we may call it as 2008 great depression??

    Please continue and give some valuable information.

  2. arungk

    arungk New Member

    Its neither recession nor depression. Its slow down

    Dear Guys & Gals,

    What we experience now is neither recession nor depression. Its slow down. There are lot of difference between these terms.
    1. Recession:
    it is just one of the phases of every business cycle. Boom, Expansion, Recession. It means a contraction in demand which inturn leads to negative growth in GDP. Its more frequent.

    2. Depression:
    A continued and prolonged recession leads into depression. which means negative growth a shrink in the economy.

    3. Slow down:
    Cooling down of economy. The GDP grows at a pace lower and accompanied by shrink in demand.

    Indian Economy is not affected by recession or depression. As our macro economic fundamentals are still stronger.. hence its only a slow down.

  3. kingofsevenseas

    kingofsevenseas New Member

    people takes recession as depression

    I think more and more people are starting to come to the conclusion that we are currently in a depression,we've gone from downturn to recession to deep recession to depression,but i do think that people should take recessin as depression...because thats time when the quality matters not quantity.
  4. quizzycal

    quizzycal New Member

    Recession cause depression

    Recession is a new term which means the economic slowdown and it is the sole problem of India rather the whole world is suffering from it. There are many people who are loosing their jobs and becoming unemployed, they often suffer from depression and frustration. It is quite natural to become depressed as they loss the jobs without any proper notice. In the international countries the employers are sacked in large numbers and it lead to many new problems.
  5. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    I agree

    I really agree with the above marked threads. It is really confusing to say whether we face recession or depression. I am not able to have a perfect answer till date but i would really like to have one.

    What all i can say is that any country's economy can face this phase anytime. It's the time, where it necessitates an economy to control its production and its quality to serve.

    So, whether it is recession or depression, it is the toughest time for every economy that is facing and going through this phase.
  6. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    prolonged recession has caused depression as its the global economy which is affected with the recession not just few nations. and recovery is taking time causing depression from the state of recession. both of them i think are related to one another as one leads to another and so in india i would call it recession.

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