IT Industry in India

Discussion in 'Economy & Infrastructure' started by Indian_Girl, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. Indian_Girl

    Indian_Girl New Member

    In the entire world the economic global recession has decreased the growth in the IT industry but India is among the few countries which have not been affected due to the economic global recession greatly. Still the Indian IT industry is on the rise and getting good response in the IT market and growing at the good speed.

    Future of IT industry in India is Bright because of its infrastructure and the IT professional strength. Information technology for both hardware and software is booming by leaps and bounds in India. No economic slowdown has been the matter of concern for the Indian information technology industry at all.

    The IT products are being so much in demand all over the world which is manufactured by the Indian IT companies. Indian IT industry is expected to be 5.19% of the country's GDP. That’s why the IT sectors are very important part of the Rising Economy of India . Indian IT sector is one the biggest job creating a field in India and because of it many youngsters have got jobs.

    Indians are probably the biggest engineer producers in the world as Indian alone produces 500000 engineers in a year which is a record number engineer in a country in a year. And this figure makes the Indian IT industry more and more powerful. The use of computers, telephones, internet connections and many more gadgets have made the Indian IT sector a success and very required sector.

    Information technology in India is called miracle to run the Indian economy faster even in the difficult time of global economic recession across the world. As there are a large number of IT professionals in India therefore more and more IT companies like to transfer and outsource their IT solutions business to the India IT companies in India these days in large amount.

    What are the challenges before the IT Industry and Whats the future of Information Technology industry in India ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2016

  2. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    IT industry is seen with a boom in India. Most of the many engineers in India join the IT industry as they provide good opportunities to them. The Indian IT industries need to compete with the other international industries and mark a change in this sector as we Indians have very skilled working men and women.
  3. Suryavanshi

    Suryavanshi New Member

    Since some years, India's IT industry is on boom and hence is lending a great helping hand in flourishing our economy.

    I think there would be no person, who is unfamiliar of some big names like Infosys, Wipro, NIIT, HCL, IBM. Yes, these are some of the very big names in the IT sector that are till date serving very efficiently.

    Obviously these are not just serving domestically but also they have efficiently taken our IT sector to the international markets today and this is why India's IT sector today is famous world-wide for its hard work.
  4. Idiotbox

    Idiotbox New Member

    the IT industry has helped indian economy greatly to flourish in the recently. it has big hand in boosting the economy as india was not a hub for outsourcing. slowly the companies have found india a place for outsourcing as the workers are available at low cost here. the employment opportunities have increased steeply. students of engineering have plenty of opportunity getting into it.
  5. R2India

    R2India New Member

    IT industries in india are still witnessing a boom and the companies have been increasing over the time making india the IT hub. these are recruiting most of the engineering students and are responsible for improving job opportunities to the students. IT has revolutionized the business world by its system of outsourcing.
  6. National

    National New Member

    the IT sector was intially in a big boom and later on due to recession it saw its demise and people suffered from unemployment due to lack of jobs. but now since the economy has become steady, the IT sector is again witnessing a boom and companies are doing good. accenture is planning to increase its output. even TCS has increased its recruitments already.
  7. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    India has become an IT hub over the times and still it is the potential market place for IT industries. The reason being that india produces loads of potential students who can work in these ITs and that too are cost effective for these companies. So companies find india as the best place to set up IT industry looking at availability of resources.
  8. sweetangel

    sweetangel New Member

    There is no doubt that IT industry is becoming the booming industry in India. Students are becoming more and more interested in enrolling themselves for the IT courses in best possible institutes. IT industry taking heights as many companies are setting up their business in India because of the growing market. It definitely generates huge revenues for the companies as well as to the govt.
  9. khushboo

    khushboo New Member

    India's Software Industry:
    Indian software industry displayed massive expansion in last ten years. This industry determines India's position with knowledge based economy as per Compounded Annual Growth Rate(CAGR) is 42.3%. In year 2008 this industry raised by 7% compared to 1994-1995's 0.59%.
  10. sweetangel

    sweetangel New Member

    Indian IT Industry and its growth in india is high. Indian IT industry played a distinct role in putting India on international map. As per findings of NASSCOM Indian IT-BPO industry during fiscal year 2009 expanded by 12% and attained returns of US $71.6 billion. This industry witnessed increase of US $7 million in fiscal year 2008-2009.
  11. Economist

    Economist New Member

    India's IT Outsourcing, one should know more about the IT industry if they are actually interested in the same. NASSCOM reports IT exports in BPO services attained US $48 billion revenue in fiscal year 2008-2009, even accounted for greater than 77% of whole software services income. India is most favorable outsourcing-hub for firms on look out to their offshore IT operations.
  12. khushboo

    khushboo New Member

    @ economist: Domestic IT Market In India is growing. In fiscal year 2008-2009 Indian domestic IT-sector attained revenues around US$ 24.3 billion compared to US $23.1 billion in 2007-2008 with growth of 5.4%. Increasing demand of IT goods and services of India Inc strengthened domestic market expansion up to US $100 million. By fiscal year 2012 domestic market is expected to expand up to US $1.7 billion from US41 billion.
  13. Economist

    Economist New Member

    @khushboo: Indian IT Industry's Future is bright. NASSCOM anticipates Indian IT-exports to attain around US $175 billion till 2020 out of which domestic sector would account for US $50 billion. In totality export and domestic IT-sector is assumed to attain profit of US $225 billion along with BRIC countries and Japan's newer prospects for it's outsourcing-operations.
  14. khushboo

    khushboo New Member

    Information Technology is one of the most important industries in the Indian economy. The IT industry of India has registered huge growth in recent years. India’s IT industry grew from 150 million US Dollars in 1990-1991 to whopping 50 billion UD Dollars in 2006-2007. In the last 10 years, the IT industry has grown at an average annual rate of 30% in India.
  15. kiranmdk

    kiranmdk New Member

    It industries are emerging widely in India. The main business all over the world.

  16. bharat

    bharat New Member

    The IT sector is booming in India and has been trademarked as knowledge economy. The IT sector has grown tremendously embracing many fields like the BPO sector, KPOs etc. and is now not just confined to computer engineering. It has opened the doors for grabbing job opportunities as well. It contributes immensely to the Indian Economy and increases the GDP of the nations economy.
  17. traveller

    traveller New Member

    The IT sector in India is booming in India and is contributing to a great deal in the Indian economy. It has grown tremendously and is one of the most promising sector in India offering employment to a huge number of people. The future of IT industry seems to be flourishing and bright with its increasing scope. It has now captured a major place in almost every field and is indeed helping in the growth and development of other sectors.
  18. seema

    seema New Member

    IT industry is the most important and significant Industry for Indian Economy. The IT industry in India has made a remarkable growth in the recent years and contributed to the economy of the nation. It grew from 150 million US Dollars in 1990-1991 to a massive 50 billion US Dollars in 2006-2007. In the last ten years the Information Technology industry in India has grown at an average annual rate of 30%.
  19. youthens

    youthens New Member

    The IT industry in India has seen a massive growth in recent 10 years. India is the second largest software developing nation after USA and this proves the remarkable growth of the IT Industry. It contributes maximum in the GDP of the nation and has opened many opportunities for employment of people solving a great problem that India has been facing.
  20. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    The IT sector is the most developed sector in India. IT industry is one of the most significant industry for Indian economy as it directs the economic growth in terms of employment opportunities, revenue generation as well as marketing. With the development of IT industry in India, many foreign companies outsource businesses to the IT companies and this helps in more and more revenue generation. With the remarkable growth of IT industry, the Indian economy is also developing and growing.

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