It’s the duty of every Indian to promote secularism in India

Discussion in 'India' started by Rashi, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Rashi

    Rashi New Member

    India is truly a secular country and the written constitution has declared the same. It’s the duty of every Indian to believe in the declaration and stand by it. However, secularism of our nation has been questioned by some of the political events and social events that had occurred in our country. Is India actually a secular nation or just it is confined in the books. Does secularism really exists in India is always a question arising with immense dominance in the current scenario.

    Secularism was not just a theory but an emotion which was rising during our freedom struggle. Our leaders like Bhagat Singh , Subhash Bose , Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and a majority of other leaders were also intensely committed to secularism principle, even though each of them expressed it in varying manners. These leaders have somewhat succeeded in establishing secularism in our nation through their efforts. Under the leadership of Nehru and afterward under the leaders of Congress, the secular state concept was adopted officially as the path of India to national integration and political modernity. In the west secularism evolved mainly due to the clash between the state and the church. However in India secularism has been conceived as the system that had sustained cultural and religious pluralism.

    It has been witnessed that after independence secularization was going at a low pace. Yet At this scenario, even though the constitution is already secular, the communal facts or elements had infiltrated our state apparatus, the judiciary, the bureaucracy, the police and the army. Several social changes had occurred in the period 1970-1990, which resulted in providing a sturdy boost to communalism, it also attacked secularism greatly.

    The concept of secularization should be established at any cost. For this process, it is required to oppose the vested forces and we have to struggle against those clergy forces in our society. Fundamentalism is actually that regressive response of those upper middle class sections in association with the vested, to crash those aspirations of the oppressed classes , whose movements or revolutions for their own rights were a big cause of stress for them. Secularization process along with the movements of those oppressed had caused a risk to those fundamentalist forces. They tried to attract these oppressed classes to them through religion and also through liberal usage of muscle power and money.

    In recent years a disturbing trend was witnessed in the villages as the interactions between the urban and rural had become more intense. Prosperous classes of rural India had also effectively promoted communal forces. Secularism is many times metamorphosed to pseudo-secularism and minority politics too is not an issue seen rarely. But the good news is that despite of these facts, India still is regarded as and actually is a secular state where people with diverse religions live in harmony and we should feel proud about the same. It’s the duty of every Indian to promote secularism to strengthen our nation and to reach new dimensions in terms of prosperity and pleasure.

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  2. Gas

    Gas New Member

    The Constitution of India is considered as the chief law of the nation. It affirms India as a secular state. The expression secular was added into the preamble of the Constitution in 1976 by the 42nd amendment. Secular state refers to a state that acknowledges being justifiably unprejudiced in subject –matters of religion. It also declares to treat all its citizens equally regardless of religion, and avows to eschew preferential dealing for a citizen from a particular religion. It is not just enough for just the Constitution to declare India as a secular state. It is the duty of every citizen to lend a hand in promotion of Secularism in India.
  3. traveller

    traveller New Member

    Secularism is the most unique feature of the Constitution of India, which was incorporated in the Preamble of the Constitution after the 42nd amendment. Secularism in India means equal status to all religions and religious tolerance and respect. India do not have any official religion and being a secular-state respects and provides equality to every religion. It is the duty of every Indian citizen to promote secularism in order to make India a better place and this will help in removing the various social issues of the Nation.
  4. seema

    seema New Member

    India is a nation the has more than 6 religion and every religion is given equal respect and status. India is the only nation that promotes secularism and where people of every religion resides. It is thus the duty of every Indian to promote secularism. It is one of the most ideal nature of the Constitution and promotion of Secularism i.e. religious tolerance will put an end to communalism altogether.
  5. youthens

    youthens New Member

    India has more than 6 religion Secularism is the means that keeps India united. Secularism means to respect all religion and treat every religion with equal respect. India does not have any national religion like other countries as it has people from every religion. It is the duty of every Indian to promote secularism as it will help in keeping India united and will help in maintaining peace in the nation.
  6. VandeMataram

    VandeMataram New Member

    India is a Secular nation and this has been declared in our Constitution but to promote and maintain Secularism in our nation, every Indian citizen should preach and follow the religion of Nationalism. This is the only way to safeguard secularism which is a unique feature of our nation and differentiates it from other nations of the World.

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