Vaccines are intended to kindle the immune system to increase an immune response against the target in the vaccine. Like, the flu vaccine contains portion of the flu virus, and kindles the immune system to create cells that wrestle the flu virus. The flu vaccine needs to be given at least two weeks before contact to the flu. The flu vaccine can kindle enduring immunity to the damage of flu used in the vaccine. However, Cancer vaccines are unlike other vaccines as they are not preventive. Rather, cancer vaccines are curative. They are used to treat the disease rather than prevent it. Akin to the flu vaccine, cancer vaccines are intended to kindle the immune system to increase a retort to the target i.e. the cancer cells. Not like flu virus which is alien to the body, cancer cells are not alien and usually do not kindle a sturdy immune retort on their own. Thus cancer vaccines use other substances or cells to facilitate the immune retort. Thus there is no preventive vaccine for cancer.
Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases and is affecting the people at a large. There are treatment available today for cancer but it does not offer enduring results or does not even cure it completely. Today, with the progress of Medical Science, vaccines have been invented for cancer. But these vaccines can only prevent cancer but not cure it.