Is the Consumer really the King in India?

Discussion in 'Issues of India' started by IamanINDIAN, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. IamanINDIAN

    IamanINDIAN New Member

    I believe consumers are the ones who have capability to change markets. Consumers are aware of products trending through various media channels. Moreover these days consumers carry out thorough research before buying any costly product. Therefore i think consumers are the king in India. Do you agree?

  2. Gas

    Gas New Member

    If the consumers are the king in India then why are they not regarded as one by the sellers of various products and services? Consumers are still been cheated inspite of having Consumer Protection laws. Every consumers should be treated equally but its does not happen here in India. Can any one suggests some better solution?
  3. bharat

    bharat New Member

    Consumers are the actual King and has the capability to change and modify the present existing market scenario in India. However, due to lack of awareness and proper education, consumers are being cheated often. Only through proper education and by creating awareness through various media on Consumer laws, rights of the consumer, etc, Consumers in India can actually be regarded as the King.
  4. traveller

    traveller New Member

    In reality Consumers are the King as they decide the market trend. However, in the Indian Market consumers are being cheated every now and then which is mainly due to lack of proper consumer education. There are consumer forums where people can lodge a complaint against any cheating or defective goods against the manufacturer or the retailer but people are not aware of it and as a result the manufacturers and the retailers are taking advantage. By educating the consumers about their rights, this can be stopped and Consumers will then be actually called as the "King".

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