Is Mahatma Gandhi relevant now ?

Discussion in 'Patriots and Patriotism' started by easwaransleela, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. easwaransleela

    easwaransleela New Member

    Father of the Nation mahatma Gandhi,no doubt, has been the principal architect of India's political freedom. Are Indians really free from many other kinds of perpetual bondages ? I feel no..look, around.we bound by bondages of religion, cast,sub cast, gotras, languges, poverty, disease, ignorance etc.etc..even in cities and centers of culture and learning.can there be a time when the people from one end to the other stand up and echo their inner feeling that 'I am an Indian'?

    Can the gandhiyan ways of life and philosophy be relevant to achieve a total freedom?

    Be musing over it.


  2. srinuthename

    srinuthename New Member


    He is irrelevant and you still think of him is completely irrelevant and discussing about is damn irrelevant and me replying to it, is ridiculously irrelevant and all this makes up a irrelevant nonsense.


    Mahatma is always relevent and he will remain relvent till India or this world is there.What mahatma has done and shown to the world is huge.We say him our father of Nation but we ourself does not like him see the other country they follow him they value him.

    Please if u dont like him no mater but dont hate him he has not done anything wrong to u and he has given Freedom to us
  4. Madhura Dande

    Madhura Dande New Member

    2nd oct , Gandhi jayanti has become just another day for holiday but the real teachings of Gandhiji are totally forgotten...
  5. v.radha

    v.radha New Member

    I salute Him for his dedicated service to our nation. If we follow the great man's life our nation definitely becomes the leader of the world.

    Jai Hind.
  6. sangini335599

    sangini335599 New Member

    I agree with you.Any personal,family,social,National & international problem can be solved by non-violent means like, discussion, negotiation, opinion formation, co-operation etc. We must learn to live like Gandhi ji and struggle to make better our life like him.
  7. veethika

    veethika New Member

    mahatma Gandhi ji was very good person and i am really inspired by him.

  8. Dr.Satish Kumar

    Dr.Satish Kumar New Member

    Gandhiji may not be anymore.....

    Gandhiji may not be relevant anymore. But Gandhian philosophy is most required.

    Gandhian philosophy is the basic requirement for any human being/society/nation etc. Nice question you raised :)
  9. Indian

    Indian New Member

    Reforming through Gandhigiri!!!

    Yup, the Mahatma funda's are very useful and relible.. Mahatma will always be relevant in the Indian context...He stands as an inspiration for everyone.. he is the greatest epitomy of truth and non violence not just in India but throught the world ...
  10. Desi

    Desi New Member

    Teachings of the Gandhi is not forgotten it is still remembered by the movie makers in the films like Munna bhai meet mahatma gandhi :p So you cannot say that it is irrlevant and he has been forgotten :p :p
  11. Kr1shn4

    Kr1shn4 New Member

    Well the answer can't be generalized... it depends upon the situation... since the environment has changed, his principles can't be applied @ all places, but ya, on many other fronts they continue to b strong!!
  12. Catherine Xavi

    Catherine Xavi New Member

    I don't think he will ever stop being relevant. He's an integral part of our nationhood, so whether his legacy is positive or negative, it will be a part of the national fabric.
  13. manpreet

    manpreet New Member

    Mahatma GAndhi and his principles are not relevant in todays scenario.. people have become sefish these days and they believe in tit for tat.. they will not put their cheek forward if someone hits them on the other cheek.. they will simply hit back hard..
  14. multitalentedindian

    multitalentedindian New Member

    If you watch the movie Munna bhai MBBS then you will realize that Mahatama Gandhi and his teachings are relevant now a days .. but in movies alone.. they cannot be in real.. Though a little bit of affcet has been seen after this movie like a guy clearing the floor just after watching the movie outside the hall.. but noone remembers it now..
  15. Weekend Politician

    Weekend Politician New Member

    Mahatma is more relavant today

    Gandhi and his thoughts have relavance for ever. The problem is with the failure of us in not understanding what he really stands for. Some how we are used to take the freedom and the the democracy for granted and are really not understanding the role of gandhian thought in shaping this country.

    Gandhi is one of the major contributions to world civilization from India.
  16. pradiprg

    pradiprg New Member

    Mahatma Gandhi is still much relevant. Particularly his principles of Truth , if prevails in our politicians, country would prosper like anything. His passion for service of down troden, his vision of gram -swaraj would bring in much desired rural development.
  17. Trendster

    Trendster New Member

    ...everything differs from person to person. Mahatma Gandhi is relevant for me and many's up to the person.
  18. mnksh257

    mnksh257 New Member

    "Be the change you want to see in the world" - Gandhi... Of course, he's relevant. If everyone follows this one principle of his, India will be a greater country than it is now.
  19. Leader

    Leader New Member

    @srinuthethename: Mahatma Gandhi is not irrelevant.. Its just people do not want to settle down things with peace .. they are becoming more and more aggressive may be like you.. You have showed your anger by just mere name of M.K. Gandhi.. But not to forget what all he has done for the country.. :)
  20. sweetangel

    sweetangel New Member

    After seeing the consequences of Anna Hazare revolution and fight for freedom that forces to introduce the Jan Lokpal Bill and that too without doing any violent activity. I think Mahatma Gandhi is relevant in today's time as well as no one has the power to get this bill passed with violent activity. If someone take action and show anger being violent then people would simply consider them terrorist or people from differet party that paves way to such agitations. To me, M.K. Gandhi is relevant nowadays as well.

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