Is it safe to reside in other country?


New Member
I just want to know if it is safe to reside as a member of the country in country's like America, England, or paris? I am just curious to know.. Will you be treated the same way you are treated in your own mother land?
Indians are not safe !!!

Many Indians are returning to India from the foreign countries. The Indians are often targeted by the foreigners. They are attacked in different places, abuse to Indians is quite normal. The Indians are not safe recently in the different places of Australia. Racial discrimination is very much common with the Indians in foreign countries. :confused:
Trouble in foreign soil

For most that live in India, getting settled in a foreign country seems to be a great achievement. The recent racial attacks that were heard of in Australia on Indian settlers have made people think twice about settling abroad. :confused:However, any locality in any part of the world will consist of narrow minded people who disrespect their country. The country as a whole should not be blamed for it. Attacks can happen on native soil too.
Leaving your home land and settling in other nation will surely give some alienated feeling. As far as attacks and discrimination are concerned, they happen in India too. Besides it completely depends on the purpose of one’s settling there. Many times, it’s because of work one has to settle there and then their generations continue to live. In other cases people flock sue to financial reason to support their family back in India and when they settle well their family migrate. Hence as far as safety is concerned, it is completely circumstantial.