Is China bullying India?

Discussion in 'Foreign Relations' started by sapnarawat, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. sapnarawat

    sapnarawat New Member

    There is old saying in Indian country side "majboori ka naam Mahtama Gandhi" and this has been our policy since 1962, when dealing with China. Chinese have been creating trouble in NE States, giving training to insurgents, making their presence felt in strategic areas around India and giving massive military aid to Pak. China remains a bully knowing fully well that India has a weak/wavering International policy and have no support from any of the major powers.

    we will have to shift our focus from pakistan to china now.we are aware that chinese are trying to minimise the indian impact on south asia by picking up nepal,bangaldesh,myanmar and their 'all season friend' pakistan. we need to strengthen and speed up our infrastructure projects in northeast sector,uttarakhand,himachal,and we can easily predict that chinese incursion is the result of india's increasing efforts of deploying 60,000 soldiers. along the border line with china. they are aware that they can not compete with usa in the pacific they are trying to create pressure in the himalayas. we will have to give up "non aligned' international diplomatic policy.

    we need aggressive international diplomatic policy while dealing with countries like china. we need to increase cooperation with mangolia, tazikistan, kazakistan,taiwan,japan to counter china.china will not dare to engage directly with india.but it can use the neighboring countries to engage india in domestic problems. all in all we need a long term strategic vision for our defense sector, foreign policy.

    post your Comments

  2. kkpookat

    kkpookat New Member

    Is India strong from within ????

    Don't know who said that " Majboori ka naam Mahatma Gandhi " . If its a saying in our country well ;then shame on us .

    "weak/wavering leadership " small amendment "NO leadership ".I would like explain the title.we still have not come out of the colonial hangover simple analysis of the policies and decisions taken after independence will show that we started to run this country with good intentions i e the leaders we had back then were quite good with their intentions in forming national policies. But they went wrong in assuming that the feeling of national pride will sustain on its own .Cannot expect that from people who had been under imperial rule or any other rule for that matter for close to two hundred years . They will go back to their earlier ways very soon and that is exactly what they did . the concept of "Democracy " was not completely understood by them well at least most of them.I see no other reason for the extremely divided country that we have now, on the basis of languages , religions. castes et "Unity in diversity" is a slogan good for great marketing and thats just what it is .

    we have a political class which uses th taxpayers money to fill up their bank balances inside the country or out side .we have a citizenry which has lost the will to react .... act rather . we have a young generation which is so engrossed in bettering its own standards of living that it doesn't give a damn about what happens to the nation .
    we have a great congregation of religious entities which are jostling to get most benefits out of the honey pot of "vote bank politics ".

    We have a so called sanatana Dharma which is so damn divided along the caste lines that it has no time left for the country .The popular belief that India is a country of majority Hindus need to be re examined.These are just a brief look into the problems facing us as a country and people who look at India from outside know perfectly well that we are weak . of course they will try to encroach on our borders.And our Babus will simply go to the United nations ,united states ,European union and voice their complaints over the media .We Really miss leaders like Smt. Indira Gandhi .she was not perfect nobody is ; but for strength as a leader of a nation she still remains Unrivaled.

    The daughter in law is hardly anywhere near her standards .(Its a known fact that she is the actual power behind the present leadership ) Lets try to solve these problems from within and try to act as a unified nation, instead of bickering over issues like " gay law " , Austerity measures of Rahul gandhi .etc Only if we are a nation strong from within will we able to handle all incursions from any side .

  3. hjz1213

    hjz1213 New Member

    I'm a Chinese. I think china's aim is not India, which is not meaningful. U should always aim at the top one. That makes you improvement. Thus, if India wants to compare everything to China, that's fine, but I don't think that's beneficial to India. The government's task is deal with all the domestic conflicts, then others will like you, such as North EURO countries.
  4. ankur

    ankur New Member

    @sapnarawat: u are right about chinese bullish behaviour.according to it's visoin of a multipolar world and a unipolar asia it has continued to implement it's encirclement startegy towards it's strongest rival continues to support it's all weather friend pakistan and help it in enlarging it's nuclear arsenal.recents reports have shown of a accelerated nuclear activity in pakistan and also of the reports that china is helping pakistan in modernizing it's nuclear warheads with has also supplied pakistan with conventional weaponry.latest being JF-17 and J-10.china is also increasing challenging USN in the pacific has building a robust AA/AD capability and with it's massive naval moderniaztion prograaamme ,it seems to me a potential challenger to US.therefore i would also suggest a aggressive diplomatic posture,building of huge millitary infrastucture in north east and ties with like minde nations like US,south korea and japan.
  5. Tigerr

    Tigerr New Member

    china and india

    China is bullying India as this is obvious with the insurgent attacks by the Chinese forces. We know that Chinese have very good army and so we should be prepared to counter any infiltration by the Chinese forces. India is much focused in the border line across Pakistan and neglecting Chinese border. The BSF should be strengthened with much more arms and weaponry to counter foil infiltration bid.

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