International Relations of India

Discussion in 'Foreign Relations' started by pagal-guy, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. pagal-guy

    pagal-guy New Member

    India is a great country with Vast area ,Oldest Civilization , Rich Cultural Heritage and Youth with great Minds and Spirit. It has many places that are great tourist attractions. For certain relations India must maintain cordial relations with all nations of the world. Ever since its independence India has been a very peaceful country. After independence India had a few wars with Pakistan and one war with china. The last war was the Kargil war in 1999.

    India is a member of the UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION. The UNO has set certain rules and regulations for its members and India is a strict follower of those rules.

    India is also one of the largest markets of the world which consists of all kinds of consumers, small and big. India is also called the land of spices because India is very famous for its rich spices. Though India is a potential superpower, the country is under constant threats from Pakistan attacks in the northern borders of Kashmir and is under similar war threats from china in the north eastern borders of the country.

    Pakistan known for its terrorism activities has always tried to create chaos and havoc in India. They led an attack into the parliament in 2002 and later in 2008 26th November they attacked the TAJ hotels of Mumbai where many Indians lost their life.

    The Pakistan and china nexus have always threatened India. On the other hand the western countries like USA, UK and many other countries and also all other Asian and Arabian countries share very good relations with India. The Indian markets are loaded with foreign goods that are in great demand by the Indian people. Starting from tooth brush to a motor vehicle, every foreign product produces great demands in India. Due to these economic factors and tourism demands the other countries also share a good relation with India in order to benefit from the Indian markets and earn profits.

    India is an Asian superpower and has cordial international relations with almost every country of the world other than China and Pakistan.

  2. Greatindia

    Greatindia New Member

    india is growing and becoming a superpower in the world. so are the relations with other countries. india is being recognized internationally as one of the emergent superpowers. for the future india should consider to enhance the economic ties with the existent countries and at the same time reach for other countries too which do not have tie ups with india.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2011
  3. culture

    culture New Member

    India maintains good relations with all the nations around the world. Exceptionally there are few neighboring nations like China and Pakistan which are slowly growing bitterness with India exploiting our silence. But India continues to extend a warm and welcoming hand to all the nations despite any issues because India is a nation of peace and harmony.

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