Individual Development and Social Welfare are made Mutually Complimentary

Discussion in 'India' started by Greatest, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Greatest

    Greatest New Member

    The life schemes/pattern of life seems to be a very sound base for the social order. The most notable feature of "Indian life patterns" is that the individual development and the social welfare are not in conflict with each other. It is not that one is achieved at the cost of the other. Both go together and both can be achieved simultaneously. The great Indian thinkers never considered man a mere cog in a social machine, subordinated to social control. They never though of man in isolation of society. They never regarded the individual and society as two different phenomena but rather the two expressions of the same Reality. "Therefore, there was hardly much distinction between individual and social welfare, individual and social development, individual and social salvation. Hence when the life schemes helped the individual welfare, development and salvation, it at the same time contributed to social welfare, development and salvation".

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