Indias role in any future conflict

Discussion in 'India' started by nidhisood, May 1, 2011.

  1. nidhisood

    nidhisood New Member

    India is soon going to become a developed nation and an economic powerhouse. It is lobbying for a security counsel seat and will have to soon decide the role it wishes to play in any future conflict. Can it be a peacemaker and help solve conflicts or will it become another global policeman like the United States of America ?

  2. rekhagupta

    rekhagupta New Member

    It is way too impossible to become like a global policeman like the United States of America. India is a developing country and still there are years and years for india to fall in the category of a developed nation. though the economy is the 10th largest but still there are still a lot of time left for india to become a supreme power. the rate of poverty is increasing day by day and you are talking about india becoming a developed nation soon. NO ways. As far as Interference in conflicts matter then yes it can still play a great role in maintaining peace around the world.
  3. Leader

    Leader New Member

    India can only play a great role in any conflict only when the nation is completely fully Dependant on itself and completely grown. India is still a developing nation so it is quite hard for india to interfere in any world conflict. Though the nation can say ifs and buts or give her views but interfering in the world matter is not india's cup of tea.
  4. National

    National New Member

    in my view india will act only as peacemaker since we indians have always cherished the theme of spreading peace around the world. looking back at the history, swami vivekanand was a messenger of peace to the world. we should respect our ideals and should not choose the path of non violence.

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